Sales Process

What is Social Selling And Its Importance In 2024

Published by:
Prateek Mathur

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Ever feel like your sales pitches are disappearing into the social media pit?

You're not alone.

But what if there was a way to leverage social media for genuine connections, not just empty likes?

What Is Social Selling?

Social selling is all about using social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Meta, and Instagram to connect with people who might need your product or service. You won't be just another sales pitch in their inbox; you'll be a trusted source of information and a valuable part of their online network.

So, what is social selling exactly?

It's about building relationships, sharing relevant content, and establishing yourself as an expert in your field. You'll be a familiar, trusted face by the time they’re ready to make a purchase.

Remember the days of endless cold calls and impersonal emails? That was the old way of selling. Social selling completely changed the game. If you are wondering what social selling is, it's about meeting people where they already are: online.

Did you know that 4.74 billion people worldwide are active on social media? 

Social media platforms allow you to connect with potential customers who might be interested in what you offer. This shift from pushing products to building relationships is what makes social selling so powerful.

Leveraging the power of social media can feel daunting, especially when you’re unsure about the best approach. Activated Scale specializes in connecting you with fractional sales experts who can guide you in mastering social selling techniques.

Great, now that you have a grasp of what is social selling, let's dive into why it's becoming the preferred method over traditional sales tactics.

What is Social Selling? The Modern Edge over Traditional Sales

Today's sales landscape demands a more nuanced approach than just random cold calling and spam mail. Social selling is a powerful strategy that leverages the power of social media platforms to build meaningful connections with potential customers. But how does it differ from traditional sales methods?

Traditional Sales vs. Social Selling

Traditional Sales vs. Social Selling

Feature Traditional Sales Social Selling
Approach Product-centric, emphasizing features and benefits Relationship-driven, focusing on value and trust
Communication Channels Primarily outbound (phone calls, emails) Primarily inbound (social media engagement)
Sales Cycle Focus Short-term transactions Long-term relationship-building and brand advocacy
Prospect Identification Broad outreach with limited targeting Targeted connections based on specific needs and interests
Content Strategy Sales brochures and product pitches Industry insights, educational content, and engaging social posts
Performance Measurement Sales figures and conversion rates Engagement metrics, follower growth, and brand awareness

Understanding what is social selling helps you see its unique benefits. It’s not just a new trend; it’s a powerful way to connect and engage with your audience more meaningfully.

Also read, Navigating the Seven Stages of Business Growth: A Guide

The Role Of Social Selling In Modern Business Strategies

In today's digital age, customers are bombarded with marketing messages. Traditional sales tactics just don't cut through the noise anymore. That's where social selling comes in. It's a game-changer for modern businesses looking to build stronger connections and close more deals. Here's how what is social selling can benefit your company:

  • Build Brand Awareness: Social media platforms are a fantastic way to get your brand in front of a wider audience. By consistently sharing valuable content and engaging in conversations, you'll increase brand recognition and establish yourself as an authority in your industry.
  • Target the Right Audience: Cold calls to random numbers don’t just work anymore. Social selling allows you to target your ideal customers with laser precision. You can use social media filters and analytics to connect with people who are most likely to be interested in what you offer.
  • Become a Trusted Advisor: Social media is all about building relationships. By providing insightful content and offering genuine help, you can position yourself as a trusted advisor to potential customers. This builds trust and makes them more likely to turn to you when they're ready to buy.
  • Boost Lead Generation: Social selling isn't just about brand awareness; it's about generating qualified leads. You can nurture leads and convert them into paying customers by engaging with potential customers and showcasing your expertise.

Activated Scale can provide you with the right talent to nurture these leads effectively and convert them into paying customers

  • Humanize Your Brand: Social media allows you to connect with people on a personal level. You can showcase your company culture, share employee stories, and create a more human connection with your audience. This fosters loyalty and makes your brand more relatable.

Vetted experts at Activated Scale can help you target your ideal customers with pinpoint accuracy, leveraging social media filters and analytics

Why Is Social Selling Important?

Remember when a catchy jingle or a slick brochure could seal the deal? Today's consumers are savvier and more connected than ever. That's why what is social selling has become a critical tool for businesses looking to thrive in the digital age. Here's why social selling is essential for your success:

  1. To Build Relationships: Social selling lets you connect with potential customers on a personal level on platforms they already use. You can build trust and lasting relationships by engaging in conversations, sharing valuable content, and offering genuine help. People buy from people they like and trust, and social selling helps you establish that connection.
  2. To Build Brand Trust: Social proof is an inevitable factor that modern consumers look for while buying. Consumers today turn to social media for reviews, recommendations, and insights before making a purchase. You can influence their buying decisions by being present on social media and showcasing your expertise. Share positive customer experiences, address industry challenges, and position yourself as a thought leader. This builds brand credibility and makes your offerings more attractive.
  3. To Stay Ahead of the Curve: The digital marketplace is constantly evolving. Social media is where your competitors are likely to be active, too. By embracing what is social selling, you can stay ahead of the curve and ensure your brand remains visible in the online space. Engage in industry conversations, track competitor activity, and identify emerging trends. This proactive approach keeps you relevant and competitive.

Key Statistics Highlighting The Effectiveness Of Social Selling

  • Social media platforms have an impact on 92% of B2B purchasing decisions. 
  • Social media is a major decision-making tool for 75% of B2B buyers. 
  • 77% of consumers resort to social media to discover new products. 
  • According to Salesforce Research, 51% of Baby Boomers and Traditionalists have interacted with a firm via social media. That number increases to 69% among Gen X and 86% among Gen Z and Millennials. With the increasing purchasing power of younger generations, social selling will become much more prevalent. 
  • Businesses using social selling outperform those not using it by 78%. 
  • Companies that put social selling first have a 51% higher chance of hitting their sales target. 
  • Social selling influenced more than half of the total income in 14 industries, including financial services, computer software, marketing, advertising, and telecommunications and information services. 
  • Every day, 200 million Instagram users visit business accounts, and 80% of those users make use of the site to learn about the goods or services offered by the account. 
  • Over 200 million active monthly users engage with Facebook Shops, where 1 million brands sell. 
  • While 26.2% of internet users are looking for stuff to buy, 27% of users use social media sites to get ideas for things to do and buy. 

Don’t get left behind – let Activated Scale’s experienced sales talent help you integrate social selling into your strategy.

The Framework of Social Selling

The image of a salesperson pushing products is outdated. Today's sales landscape is all about building relationships and guiding potential customers on their journey. That's where what is social selling comes in. It flips the script on traditional sales by engaging with prospects early on and nurturing connections through social media. Here's how this framework works:

  1. Viewing sales as a journey: Think of sales as a process. It's not about making a quick deal but guiding prospects through stages, from awareness to decision. This journey involves multiple touchpoints and interactions.

Also read Understanding and Optimizing Conversion Funnel Marketing

  1. Engaging with prospects early in the journey: Start building connections before your prospects even know they need your product. Share insights early to catch their interest. This early engagement helps you stay at the top of their minds.
  2. Nurturing relationships through social media: Use platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to keep the conversation going. Share useful content, respond to comments, and message directly. Building these relationships is key to converting prospects into loyal customers.

Focusing on social selling creates a more effective and personalized sales strategy. This approach helps you connect with prospects in a meaningful way, ensuring long-term success.

Also read Approach to Improving Your Sales Process

Benefits of Social Selling Over Traditional Methods

Feeling stuck with outdated sales tactics?  Consumers today are bombarded with messages, and traditional methods often fall flat.  Here's why social selling offers a clear advantage:

  • Wider reach: Social media connects you globally. Traditional methods are often limited by geography.
  • Target the Right People: Social media lets you target your ideal customers with ultimate precision. Connect with people who are most likely interested in what you offer, based on their needs and online behavior.
  • Better Engagement: Social selling allows for continuous interaction. You can share content, comment, and message anytime.
  • Personalization: Tailor your approach based on prospects' online behavior and profiles. Traditional methods rely on generic pitches.
  • Real-time Feedback: Get immediate responses through likes, comments, and shares. Traditional feedback can be slow and indirect.

If traditional methods aren’t yielding results, it might be time to consider an expert overhaul. Activated Scale’s fractional sales professionals can help you transition smoothly to more effective social selling strategies.

Social Selling Best Practices

Ready to take your social selling to the next level? To master what is social selling, you need to follow some best practices. Here are the key steps to ensure your success:

  1. Craft a Compelling Profile: Your social media profiles are your digital storefront. Optimize them for selling by using clear descriptions, relevant keywords, and a clear call to action. Showcase your expertise and highlight the value you offer to potential customers.

Need to optimize your social media profiles for selling? Activated Scale’s sales professionals can help you make your digital presence as compelling as possible.

  1. Showcase your Credibility: People do business with those they trust. Share insightful content that showcases your expertise. Post articles, case studies, and tips that benefit your audience.
  2. Listen and Connect: Don't just broadcast; actively listen to what your audience needs. Respond to comments and messages promptly, and participate in discussions relevant to your industry. This builds relationships, demonstrates your expertise, and shows you care.
  3. Join the Community: Social media thrives on community. Participate in industry groups and online discussions. Share valuable insights, answer questions, and contribute meaningfully. This positions you as a knowledgeable resource and builds trust with potential customers.
  4. Be Consistent: Show consistency in in your efforts as well as engagement. Regularly post, comment, and interact with your network to stay visible and relevant.

By focusing on these best practices, you can understand and implement what is social selling effectively.

Choosing the Right Platform for Social Selling

Choosing the right platform for social selling is crucial. Not all platforms serve the same purpose, and each has its strengths. Here’s an overview to help you decide where to focus your efforts.

Social Media Platforms and Their Benefits

Social Media Platforms and Their Benefits

Social Media Platform How it helps?
Twitter Fast-paced communication and breaking news
Ideal for B2B selling
Quick interactions and real-time engagement
Instagram Perfect for visual content
Showcase your brand’s personality
Share behind-the-scenes content
Connect through stories and reels
Partner with relevant influencers
Run targeted ad campaigns
LinkedIn Platform for decision-makers and industry leaders to connect
Engage in relevant discussions
Publish updates about your company's achievements

Remember, the key is not to be everywhere; it is to be present and active where your ideal customers are. Analyze your target audience and industry trends to choose the platform that offers the best opportunity to build meaningful connections and showcase your value proposition.

Activated Scale’s experts can help you identify and maximize your efforts on the most effective platforms.

Tailoring your strategy to match the platform

Don't treat your social selling strategy like a one-size-fits-all approach. Match your strategy to each platform's strengths.

  • On Twitter, keep it concise and timely, engaging in real-time conversations with relevant hashtags. 
  • Instagram thrives on visuals, so showcase your products or services through eye-catching photos and stories.  
  • LinkedIn is a professional hub – share thought leadership articles, engage in industry group discussions and connect directly with potential customers.
  • Facebook offers a versatile platform –  you can tailor content to different audiences, run targeted ads, and use Facebook Groups to build communities around your brand. 

Remember, each platform offers a unique way to connect. Getting to a deeper knowledge of what is social selling on each platform helps you maximize your impact and connect more effectively with your audience.

Tips for effective social selling on each platform

The key to successful social selling is tailoring your approach to each platform. Here's a quick guide to maximize your impact on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn:

Social Selling Strategies for Different Platforms

Social Selling Strategies for Different Platforms

Platform Social Selling Strategies
Twitter Craft short, informative tweets using relevant hashtags to join ongoing conversations
Offer valuable industry insights, data, and thought leadership pieces
Actively participate in trending conversations and respond to questions
Share concise, value-driven updates
Instagram Post high-quality, visually appealing images and videos
Use Instagram Stories for behind-the-scenes content
Engage with followers through comments and DMs
Utilize Instagram Shopping for product tags
Use relevant hashtags to reach a broader audience
Collaborate with relevant influencers
Host live sessions to connect with your audience in real-time
LinkedIn Share valuable blog posts, articles, and industry reports
Join relevant LinkedIn groups, participate in discussions, and answer questions
Network with potential customers, personalize connection requests and offer helpful insights
Regularly update your profile and showcase your professional achievements

Measuring Social Selling Success

So, you've implemented a social selling strategy, but how do you know it's working? Here's the key: Measurable results. Let's explore how to track your success and refine your approach for even better outcomes in what is social selling.

The Social Selling Index (SSI)

LinkedIn developed the Social Selling Index (SSI) to measure your activity across various social selling behaviors. 

It measures your effectiveness at establishing your professional brand, finding the right people, engaging with insights, and building relationships. 

A higher SSI indicates stronger social selling effectiveness. While not the sole metric, it's a valuable starting point to assess your overall approach.

Metrics to Track and Improve

Beyond the SSI, there are specific metrics to track on each platform to gauge performance and refine your strategy:

  • Engagement: Track likes, comments, shares, and mentions to see how well your content resonates with your audience.
  • Reach: Monitor how many people see your content to understand your visibility.
  • Website Traffic: See how many people click through your social media posts to visit your website or landing pages.
  • Lead Generation: Track the number of leads generated through social media interactions.

By monitoring these metrics regularly, you can identify what's working and what's not, allowing you to adapt your social selling strategy for better results. With Activated Scale, you have access to sales experts who can help interpret these metrics and fine-tune your social selling approach

Regular Assessment and Adaptation

Social selling is an ongoing process. Don't expect overnight success. Regularly assess your performance based on these metrics.  Is your content engaging?  Are you reaching the right audience?  Adapt your strategy based on the data. Experiment with different content formats, posting times, and platforms.

Implementation in an Enterprise

Want to maximize your sales team's social selling potential? Here are some key pointers for a smooth and impactful implementation across your enterprise.

  1. Get management on board: Social selling thrives with leadership support. Get your management team on board by showcasing the benefits. Present data on the effectiveness of what is social selling and its potential to boost sales and brand awareness. Emphasize how it aligns with your overall marketing and sales strategy.
  1. Upskill Your Sales Force: Your sales team is the backbone of your social selling efforts. Provide comprehensive training on effective social media use for sales. This includes building profiles, crafting engaging content, participating in relevant online communities, and utilizing social listening tools.

Activated Scale offers training and guidance from seasoned professionals to ensure your team excels in social selling.

  1. Set Clear Parameters and Track Performance: Define clear social selling guidelines for your team. Outline acceptable content types, target audiences, and brand voice consistency. Establish key metrics to track performance. This allows you to measure progress, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your social selling strategy for maximum impact.

The Future of Social Selling

The future of social selling is dynamic and ever-changing. As technology evolves and consumer behaviors shift, social selling strategies must adapt to stay relevant. 

Partnering with Activated Scale ensures you have access to continuous learning and adaptation skills from top-tier sales talent

What is social selling today may look different tomorrow, so it's essential to remain flexible and open to new approaches. Anticipating changes in social media trends and consumer behavior is key to staying ahead in social selling. As platforms introduce new features and algorithms evolve, understanding how these changes impact your strategy is crucial.

Continuous learning and adaptation will be paramount in shaping the future of social selling. The landscape is constantly evolving, and successful social sellers must be willing to invest in ongoing education and skill development.

Wrapping Up!

Last but not least, what is social selling today is not just a trend; it's a fundamental shift in how we connect and engage with our audience. You can connect with potential customers in a way that resonates in today's digital age by building relationships, establishing trust, and providing valuable content.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your existing strategy, social selling is a powerful tool to boost brand awareness, generate leads, and ultimately drive sales success.

The future of sales is social, and by embracing social selling, you're positioning yourself for success in the digital age.

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