Sales Process

Creating a B2B Social Selling Strategy for Sales Success

Published by:
Prateek Mathur

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Scrolling through endless LinkedIn profiles, feeling like you're talking to a wall?

B2B social selling isn’t about empty connections.

It lets you connect with real people, not just names on a list.

Spot a prospect's post about an industry pain point? Don't push a sale. Instead, offer helpful insights and industry trends. This establishes you as a thought leader, not a salesperson. Build trust and rapport first; then they'll be receptive to your solutions later.  B2B social selling is about relationships, one conversation at a time.

The end goal is to establish yourself as a trustworthy resource by exhibiting your knowledge, participating in industry debates, and publishing insightful content. Using B2B social selling strategies appropriately helps you warm up prospects and increase their receptivity to your message even before you initiate the first sales conversation.

Let’s explore how B2B social selling has changed over time.

The Evolution Of B2B Social Selling

B2B social selling wasn't always the dynamic strategy it is today. It started simple, with salespeople connecting with prospects on basic social media platforms. B2B social selling has come a long way from its early days. Back then, it was about salespeople simply connecting with prospects on basic social media platforms. It was a new frontier, and the focus might have been adding as many connections as possible.

But times have changed. Now, B2B social selling is about targeted engagement. You share valuable content, participate in industry discussions, and build genuine relationships – all online.

People today research online before they buy, and that means they're hanging out on social media platforms. Changed buyer behaviors need a new sales strategy. B2B social selling lets you connect with potential customers where they already are.

B2B social selling has moved far beyond cold calling. It prioritizes trust-building relationships that ultimately lead to sales.

Next up, let's compare effective social selling strategies with those old, spammy tactics.

Social selling with spammy tactics vs. Direct outreach

Social selling flips the script on outdated methods, helping you build genuine connections instead of just filling inboxes. See the difference for yourself:

Tactic Comparison Table
Tactic Traditional Outreach & Spammy Tactics B2B Social Selling
Approach Interrupt with unsolicited messages Connect and engage with potential customers
Focus Pitching your product Providing valuable content and insights
Value proposition You tell them why they need you You show them why you're reliable
Relationship building Non-existent or transactional Authentic and ongoing
Results Low engagement, limited trust Increased brand awareness, stronger relationships, higher conversion rates

Speaking of differences, let's look at why social selling has become so crucial in today's B2B landscape.

The Importance of Social Selling in the B2B Landscape

The B2B sales game is tougher than ever. Competition is fierce, and buyers are savvier than ever before. They see through generic pitches and spammy tactics in a heartbeat.  They crave authenticity and real connections. That's where social selling steps in.

Gone are the days of the smooth-talking salesperson. Today's B2B buyers do their research online, and guess what? They're hanging out on social media. B2B social selling lets you connect with them there. You thus get to build credibility and trust, unlike just another salesperson. In a world saturated with sales messages, authenticity is what sets you apart.

For businesses wanting to embrace this strategy, partnering with seasoned professionals from Activated Scale can streamline the process and ensure meaningful results.

Using social media, you can establish a personal connection with prospective clients. You can build rapport, understand their needs, and position yourself as the solution. This relationship-building power of B2B social selling streamlines your sales process. Leads are more receptive, and conversations turn into conversions faster.

Also read Approach to Improving Your Sales Process

Now that we've covered why social selling is essential, let's break down its core elements.

Core Elements of a B2B Social Selling Strategy

Want to achieve your B2B sales goals with the power of social selling but worried about where to begin? Here are the key elements to build a winning B2B social selling strategy:

Find your ideal platform for B2B social selling:

Social media isn't a one-size-fits-all game. Assess the most popular platforms used by your target demographic. 

  • Are they decision-makers on LinkedIn? 
  • Industry thought leaders on Twitter? 
  • Do they follow industry influencers on Instagram? 
  • Are they engaged in business-to-business groups on Facebook? 

Put your maximum efforts into areas where you may expect the highest level of engagement

Know your B2B social selling audience inside out:

Don't just throw content out there and hope it sticks. Use built-in analytics tools offered by most social media platforms, such as Facebook Insights, LinkedIn Analytics, and Twitter Analytics. These tools offer precious information about your audience demographics, interests, and content engagement.

Additionally, consider social listening platforms like Brandwatch or Sprout Social. These tools go beyond your own social media presence. They allow you to track industry conversations, identify emerging trends, and understand how your target audience perceives your brand and your competitors. You can customize your message and content to have optimal effect by using this piece of info.

Activated Scale's fractional sales professionals can help analyze these insights and craft the perfect outreach strategy tailored to your audience.

Set SMART goals for success in B2B social selling:

Vague goals like "increase brand awareness" or "get more followers" are like driving without a GPS - you might get somewhere eventually, but it will take a lot longer, and you might not end up where you want to be.

Instead, set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals for your B2B social selling efforts. Clear goals keep you focused and motivated, maximizing the impact of your B2B social selling strategy. Here are some examples of SMART goals for B2B social selling:

  • Generate 50 qualified leads from social media by the end of the quarter.
  • Increase website traffic from social media referrals by 20% within the next 6 months.
  • Grow your LinkedIn follower base by 10% of industry decision-makers in your target market over the next year.
  • Secure 3 speaking engagements at industry conferences within the next year by building relationships with event organizers on social media.
  • Increase social media engagement (likes, comments, shares) by 30% over the next quarter.    

Let’s get to exploring the best platforms for putting your B2B social selling strategies into action.

Platforms for Implementing B2B Social Selling

To win in B2B social selling, you need to tailor your approach to each platform. Here's how to dominate the top platforms for building connections and driving sales:

1. LinkedIn:

Always thought LinkedIn is just online resumes? Think again! It's the ultimate professional network, teeming with decision-makers and industry influencers. Here's how to leverage it for B2B social selling:

  • Go beyond just adding everyone you know. Join relevant groups, engage in industry discussions, and share valuable content to get noticed by the appropriate audience.
  • Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator, a powerful tool that lets you search for highly targeted prospects, track their activity, and personalize your outreach.

Also read Building High-Quality LinkedIn Sales Navigator Lists

2. Facebook and Instagram:

The power of Facebook and Instagram for B2B social selling cannot be understated. Meta Business Suite lets you manage both platforms from one place, making it easy to:

  • Craft compelling content. Share insightful blog posts, industry news, and visually appealing infographics to capture attention and build trust.
  • Run targeted ad campaigns to connect with a suitable set of audience.
  • Encourage participation by answering queries and comments; cultivate connections rather than a devoted following.
  • Host live Q&A sessions, participate in relevant discussions, and encourage social media engagement.

3. YouTube:

YouTube is a goldmine for B2B social selling. Share insightful videos that showcase your products, services, and industry knowledge. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Create informative videos that address your target audience's pain points and showcase your expertise.

By considering sales professionals from Activated Scale, who are well-versed with B2B social selling strategy, you can improve your business's social media traction and potentially turn them into prospective leads.

  • Use product demos and tutorials to highlight the benefits of your offering.
  • Tease upcoming product launches or events to generate buzz and excitement.

4. X:

Looking to connect with your audience in real-time? X (previously known as Twitter) is the place to be. This fast-paced environment allows you to get recognition in your niche as a thought leader and a reliable source.

  • Craft bite-sized content like industry news snippets, insightful quotes, or thought-provoking questions.
  • Respond to comments, participate in relevant hashtags, and join industry discussions to build relationships with potential customers.

So, now that the platforms are covered, how about crafting that winning profile to get started with B2B social selling?

Building a Winning Profile for B2B Social Selling

Your social media profile is what people would first notice in the modern-day B2B situation. It's the first impression you make on potential customers. So, how do you craft a profile that demonstrates credibility and attracts high-quality leads? Here are some key pointers to build a winning B2B social selling profile:

  • Intriguing Headline:

Don't settle for a generic job title. Your headline is at the top of your profile, so make it work hard for you. Use it to tell your story. Include relevant keywords and highlight your specific value proposition.

For example, instead of "Marketing Manager," try "Growth Hacker | Helping Startups Scale with B2B Social Selling."

In addition to including relevant keywords to boost your searchability, your headline should also highlight your unique value proposition. 

What sets you apart from other professionals in your field? Showcase your expertise and value in your headline, and watch your profile attract the right kind of attention.

  • Professional Display Picture

First impressions matter. Invest in a professional headshot that looks friendly and approachable. Your display image is recommended to be visually appealing and industry-relevant. Keep it clean and uncluttered – avoid busy graphics that distract from your profile information.

  • Showcase Your Expertise

Don't be shy! List your relevant experience, skills, and certifications. Provide links to your blog, website, and articles that highlight your areas of expertise. Think of awards, client testimonials, or successful case studies – these are social proof that validates your credibility in the B2B space.

  • Optimize with relevant keywords for discoverability

Help potential customers find you! Use relevant keywords throughout your profile, including your headline, about section, and experience details. Consider the queries your intended audience may use to locate someone who is similar to you.

  • Engage & Connect

B2B social selling is a two-way street. Don't just post and disappear. Participate in industry debates, join groups that are pertinent to your field, and network with other experts. Share useful content, provide helpful answers, and forge meaningful connections. The more you engage, the more visible you become in the B2B social selling ecosystem.

*Pro tip: Regularly update your profile, post valuable content, and actively participate in conversations.

Attracting and Engaging with Potential Leads

Having a stellar social media profile is the foundation for successful B2B social selling. It attracts potential customers already interested in your industry and potentially even your brand. But how do you identify these ideal leads and turn them into loyal fans? Here's your roadmap to success:

  1. Identify and follow warm leads for effective engagement

Focus on identifying warm leads – those who have already shown some interest in your brand or industry. Look for people who follow your company page, engage with your content, or share similar interests in industry groups. These are the folks primed for meaningful conversations and ripe for B2B social selling success.

  1. Leverage listening tools for insightful conversation initiation

Use powerful listening tools like Brandwatch or Sprout Social to track industry conversations, identify trending topics, and see what challenges your target audience faces. Use these insights to craft targeted messages and initiate relevant and helpful conversations.

Activated Scale's fractional sales talent can assist in transforming these insights into actionable engagement strategies.

Also read Sales Tools Needed to Succeed

  1. Build relationships through meaningful engagement

B2B social selling isn't about pushing a quick sale. It's about building genuine connections. Engage with your audience in a meaningful way. Respond to comments, answer questions thoughtfully, and offer helpful advice. Share valuable content that educates and informs, not just promotes your product. Demonstrating your expertise will build relationships that convert leads into loyal customers.

Speaking of relationships, here are some best practices to ensure your B2B social selling efforts are top-notch.

Best Practices for B2B Social Selling

B2B social selling isn't just about posting and sitting, hoping for the best. Further, it’snot enough to simply attract potential leads. While a strong profile and engaging content are crucial, B2B social selling isn't a passive activity. It's a strategic approach that requires active engagement to build relationships and ultimately generate qualified leads. 

Here are some best practices to up your B2B social selling game:

  • Content creation

Generic posts no longer do the magic. Successful B2B social selling hinges on creating content your target audience actually wants to see. Research industry trends and identify the content formats that resonate most with your audience on each platform.  

Think bite-sized videos for X (formerly Twitter), insightful blog posts for LinkedIn, or visually compelling infographics for Instagram. Provide valuable content that educates, informs, and positions you as an industry expert.

  • Leverage Analytics for Smarter Targeting

Social media platforms provide a wealth of relevant and useful information. Use built-in analytics tools to understand your audience demographics, interests, and content engagement. 

For example, Facebook Insights lets you see which age groups and locations your followers come from, what their interests are, and which types of content (videos, images, links) generate the most engagement (likes, comments, shares). Understanding this data allows you to tailor your content strategy to resonate with the right audience and achieve your B2B social selling goals.

  • Make connections and strengthen relationships

B2B social selling thrives on strong relationships. Don't just collect connections on social media – transform them into loyal customers! Actively participate in relevant groups on LinkedIn, join industry discussions, and connect with potential customers and influencers. Be generous with your expertise – share valuable content from others, offer insights and support in online conversations, and respond to comments thoughtfully.

Unsure how to build these connections? Activated Scale’s experienced sales personnel can facilitate nurturing these relationships effectively.

  • Improve Social Selling Index (SSI) on LinkedIn for better visibility

LinkedIn's SSI score measures your B2B social selling effectiveness. A high score increases your visibility and positions you as a thought leader. Here's how to boost your SSI:

  • Establish Your Brand
  • Engage with Your Network
  • Build Relationships
  • Share Industry Insights

Measuring Success and Optimizing B2B Social Selling Strategies

So you're killing it on social media, building relationships, and sharing valuable content. But how do you know your B2B social selling efforts are translating to real results? Here's how to measure success and optimize your strategy for maximum impact:

  1. Defining key performance indicators (KPIs) for social selling

Define clear key performance indicators (KPIs) to track your B2B social selling success. Here are some key examples:

  • Track your impressions and your followers
  • Measure likes, comments, shares, and mentions – all signs your audience is interested and interacting.
  • Track website clicks from social media, new qualified leads generated, and conversions

  1. Tools for tracking outreach, engagement, and conversion

Several tools can help you monitor your B2B social selling efforts. Built-in analytics platforms like Facebook Insights, LinkedIn Analytics, and X Analytics provide valuable data on reach, engagement, and website traffic.

Activated Scale's team can help you interpret this data and make strategic adjustments to optimize your social selling efforts.

Additionally, consider social media management tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social. These offer advanced features like social listening tools, competitor tracking, and automated post scheduling, giving you a comprehensive view of your B2B social selling performance.

Also read Improving and Measuring Your Sales Conversion Rate: Expert Strategies and Ways

  1. Continuous strategy refinement based on analytics and feedback

Regularly review your analytics and social listening reports to see what's working and what's not.

Is your content resonating? Are you reaching the right audience? Are your calls to action clear and compelling?

Based on this data, refine your B2B social selling strategy. Try new content formats, adjust your posting times, and focus on the types of content that generate the most engagement and leads.

Keep in mind that B2B social selling is a continuous optimization process. It is possible to make sure that your B2B social selling activities generate tangible outcomes and help your startup or small business succeed by defining clear KPIs, utilizing helpful tools, and modifying your strategy in response to data and feedback.

Also read Why Startups Are Embracing Fractional Sales Talent

Future Trends in B2B Social Selling

In the future, expect established platforms like LinkedIn to double down on video content and interactive features while new players focused on niche industries or specific demographics may emerge. Artificial intelligence (AI) will be more prevalent, suggesting content ideas, automating tasks, and personalizing outreach for maximum impact.

One thing that won't change? The emphasis on authenticity.

Customers crave genuine connections. Forget pushy and salesy tactics. Focus on building trust by sharing your expertise, offering valuable insights, and engaging in real conversations.

The best way to stay ahead of the curve? Be adaptable. Continuously monitor trends, experiment with new platforms and tools, and, most importantly, listen to what your audience has to say.

By embracing change and prioritizing genuine connection, you'll ensure your B2B social selling strategy remains a powerful driver of growth for your startup or small business


B2B social selling isn't a fad; it's the future of building relationships and generating leads in a competitive marketplace. Done right, it translates to bigger deals, shorter sales cycles, and a steady stream of referrals from satisfied customers. 

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Experiment, tailor your strategy to your unique business, and watch your B2B social selling efforts blossom. The rewards – a thriving network, a booming sales pipeline, and a sustainable competitive edge – are well worth the investment. 

Activated Scale's try-before-you-hire model makes it easier for you to find the right fit, guaranteeing that your B2B social selling strategy is executed smoothly and effectively

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