Fractional Sales Talent

Choosing a Top Outsourced SDR Company in USA

Published by:
Prateek Mathur

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Imagine assembling a squad of highly skilled SDRs who can consistently identify and qualify leads – all without the burden of recruitment, training, and managing office space.

Sounds too good to be true? 

Enter outsourced Sales Development Representatives (SDRs).

This comprehensive guide dives deep into the world of outsourced SDR services in the USA. We'll explore the key benefits of partnering with these experts, equipping you with the knowledge to choose the perfect fit for your business. 

Understanding Outsourced SDR Services

Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) are critical in initiating contact with potential customers, qualifying leads, and setting the stage for successful sales conversations. 

However, building and maintaining an in-house SDR team can be costly and complex, involving recruitment, training, salaries, and benefits.

By partnering with an external company specialized in sales development, you can leverage a team of dedicated professionals who are experts in lead generation and initial customer engagement. 

This allows businesses to:

  • Focus on Core Competencies: While the outsourced SDRs handle lead generation, your team can concentrate on closing deals and other core activities.
  • Access Specialized Expertise: Outsourced teams often have experience across various industries and are equipped with the latest tools and techniques for effective sales development.
  • Scale Quickly: Whether you’re launching a new product or expanding into new markets, outsourced SDR services can quickly adapt to changing business needs without the long lead times associated with hiring and training new staff.
  • Save Costs: Reduce overhead costs by eliminating the need for additional office space, payroll, and employee benefits that come with an in-house team.

Comparing Outsourced and In-house SDR Services

When deciding between an outsourced or in-house SDR team, it's crucial to consider the pros and cons of each option to determine which best suits your business needs. Here's a comparison of both approaches:

In-House vs. Outsourced SDR Services
Aspect In-House SDR Services Outsourced SDR Services
Control High control over daily activities and integration with the team. Less control over the day-to-day activities of SDRs.
Cost Higher recurring costs (salaries, benefits, training, infrastructure). Lower overhead costs; savings on salaries, benefits, and office space.
Scalability Slower and resource-intensive to scale. Requires recruitment and training. Easily scalable to suit business needs with flexibility in adjusting team size.
Expertise Variable, dependent on recruitment and training processes. Access to specialized expertise and experience across various industries.
Brand Familiarity Deep brand understanding and alignment due to direct involvement. Potential challenges in brand and cultural alignment require effective communication.
Flexibility Less flexibility in terms of contract terms and team resizing. High flexibility in adjusting contract terms and resizing the team according to needs.
Relationships Potential for long-term relationships fostering loyalty and alignment with company goals. Shorter-term, project-based relationships unless ongoing services are contracted.

In-House SDR Services

  • Control and Integration: Having an SDR team in-house offers more direct control over daily activities and allows for closer integration with the existing sales and marketing teams.
  • Brand Familiarity: In-house SDRs can develop a deep understanding of your brand, culture, and products, enhancing their ability to engage potential clients effectively.
  • Long-term Relationships: Building relationships with in-house teams over time can foster loyalty and alignment with company goals and culture.


  • Higher Costs: Maintaining an in-house team involves recurrent expenses such as salaries, benefits, training, and infrastructure.
  • Scalability Issues: Scaling an in-house team can be slow and resource-intensive, involving recruitment, training, and potentially increased space and equipment.

Outsourced SDR Services

  • Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing eliminates many overhead costs associated with employing full-time staff, such as benefits, training, and office space.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: Outsourced SDR services can easily scale up or down based on your business needs, providing flexibility without the commitment to long-term contracts or the complexity of managing human resources.
  • Access to Expertise: Outsourced SDR companies bring specialized knowledge and experience, having worked across various industries and markets. This expertise often translates into more efficient lead generation and qualification processes.


  • Less Control: Outsourcing may result in less control over the day-to-day activities of the SDRs, which can be a concern for companies that prefer to manage all aspects of the sales process internally.
  • Cultural and Brand Alignment: Ensuring that outsourced SDRs fully understand and align with your company culture and brand values can be challenging and requires effective communication and training.

Making the Choice

The decision between in-house and outsourced SDR services depends largely on your company’s size, growth stage, and strategic priorities. If direct control and brand deep-dive are paramount, an in-house team might be preferable. 

Conversely, if flexibility, cost management, and access to specialized expertise are your primary concerns, outsourcing is likely the more advantageous route.

Top 10 Outsourced SDR Companies in the USA

Here’s a guide to some of the top outsourced SDR companies in the USA, recognized for their expertise and effectiveness in lead generation and sales development:

1. Activated Scale

Activated Scale is a robust platform that provides startups and small businesses with access to vetted, fractional sales talent.

  • Services: Connects startups and small businesses with vetted, fractional sales talent for part-time and full-time roles.
  • Notable Features: Offers a unique 'try before you hire' model that allows companies to assess the fit of sales professionals before making a full-time commitment. 
  • Industries Served: Primarily targeting startups and small business owners across various industries in the USA.

Read: Hire Fractional SDR: Everything You Need to Know


CIENCE is versatile provider known for its customized lead generation and SDR services utilizing a unique combination of technology and human expertise.

  • Services: CIENCE offers a mix of lead generation, SDR outsourcing, and market research services.
  • Notable Features: Uses a proprietary blend of technology, data, and human expertise to tailor services for each client. They boast high-quality lead generation and efficient processes.
  • Industries Served: Tech, Healthcare, Financial Services, and more.

3. SalesRoads

SalesRoads specializes in appointment setting and outsourced sales teams, offering transparency and seamless integration with client operations.

  • Services: Offers appointment setting, lead generation, and full outsourced sales teams.
  • Notable Features: Known for transparency and providing highly trained SDRs who integrate seamlessly with existing company teams.
  • Industries Served: B2B sectors, including Software, Manufacturing, and Professional Services.

4. Belkins

lead generation companies for small businesses

Belkins focuses on B2B lead generation and innovative LinkedIn Influencer programs to enhance visibility and outreach.

  • Services: Specializes in appointment scheduling, B2B lead generation, and LinkedIn Influencer programs.
  • Notable Features: Uses innovative approaches like their LinkedIn Influencer program to boost lead generation efforts.
  • Industries Served: Various B2B markets.

5. DemandZEN

DemandZEN combines cold calling with digital marketing to generate and nurture leads – specifically tailored for technology companies.

  • Services: Focuses on cold calling and digital marketing to generate demand and nurture leads.
  • Notable Features: Expertise in integrating call campaigns with digital marketing strategies to maximize lead generation.
  • Industries Served: Primarily technology companies.

6. Operatix

Operatix offers sales acceleration services specifically designed for the tech industry to help businesses speed up their sales cycles.

  • Services: Provides sales acceleration and SDR services focused on the technology market.
  • Notable Features: Offers services tailored to assist businesses in accelerating their sales cycle and expanding market reach.
  • Industries Served: SaaS, Hardware, and IT Services.

7. MarketLauncher

MarketLauncher is known for integrating market research with lead generation and tailoring strategies to meet complex sales environments.

  • Services: Specializes in market research and lead generation for complex sale settings.
  • Notable Features: Known for their strategic approach, combining market research with lead generation to tailor strategies to client needs.
  • Industries Served: Consulting, Technology, and Professional Services.

8. integrates skilled human agents with AI technology to improve lead qualification and manage communication efficiently.

  • Services: Known for virtual receptionists, also provides outbound calling and SDR services.
  • Notable Features: Integrates AI technology with skilled human agents to enhance lead qualification and appointment scheduling.
  • Industries Served: Legal, Real Estate, Financial Services, and more.

9. EBQ

EBQ offers a unique "department-as-a-service" model, enabling businesses to outsource full-service sales and marketing teams effectively.

  • Services: Provides full-service sales and marketing teams, including SDRs, for outsourcing.
  • Notable Features: EBQ offers a unique "department-as-a-service" model that allows companies to outsource entire functions efficiently.
  • Industries Served: Diverse industries, including Software and Healthcare.

10. delivers top-tier sales engagement solutions with a powerful platform that enhances SDR productivity and sales outcomes.

  • Services: Offers sales engagement platforms that provide SDR teams for outsourcing, as well as tools to enhance sales processes.
  • Notable Features: Known for their cutting-edge sales engagement platform that integrates seamlessly with multiple CRM systems, helping SDRs to automate and optimize their workflows.
  • Industries Served: Primarily technology and SaaS industries but applicable across various B2B sectors due to the flexibility of their platform.

Evaluating Outsourced SDR Companies

When evaluating outsourced SDR companies, several critical factors must be considered to ensure you choose a partner who aligns well with your business goals and can deliver the desired results. 

Here are some tips to help you assess these companies effectively:

1. Track Record and Credibility

Evaluate the company's history and reputation in the industry. Look for client testimonials, case studies, and reviews that provide insights into their performance and reliability. 

Companies that consistently deliver high-quality leads and have a proven track record of success are generally more reliable.

2. Specialization and Industry Experience

Consider whether the SDR company has experience in your specific industry. Companies specializing or having extensive experience in your sector will likely be more effective as they understand the market nuances and customer behavior specific to your industry.

3. Scalability and Flexibility

Assess the scalability of their services. 

Can they adjust the size of the SDR team based on your growing or fluctuating business needs? 

Flexibility in service offerings, such as the ability to switch between different modes of lead generation and outreach, is also crucial.

4. Technological Proficiency

Check for the integration and use of advanced technologies. Companies that utilize cutting-edge CRM systems, AI tools, and sales automation platforms can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their SDR activities.

5. Communication and Reporting

Good communication is vital. The right SDR company should be able to provide clear, consistent, and detailed reporting on its activities and the leads it generates. 

This transparency allows you to gauge the ROI effectively and make informed decisions.

6. Pricing and Contract Terms

Understand their pricing structure and what it includes. Some companies might offer a fixed monthly fee, while others could have performance-based pricing. 

Ensure that the contract terms are clear and offer some level of flexibility should your business circumstances change.

7. Cultural Fit

Finally, consider the cultural fit between your company and the outsourced SDR provider. 

They should be able to effectively represent your brand and resonate with your company values, as they will be the first point of contact for many of your potential customers.

By thoroughly evaluating these aspects, you can select an outsourced SDR company that meets your business needs and contributes positively to your sales strategy, enhancing your overall business growth and customer outreach.


Outsourced SDR services provide a strategic advantage by offering specialized expertise, scalability, and cost efficiency – allowing you to focus on core competencies and strategic growth initiatives. 

Whether you opt for an in-house team or an outsourced model, the choice depends largely on your business needs and strategic priorities.

Activated Scale offers a unique and effective solution for startups and small businesses looking to streamline their sales operations without the overhead of hiring full-time staff. It allows you to scale your sales efforts efficiently and with confidence. 

Connect with us today to discover how Activated Scale can transform your sales strategy and help you achieve your business goals.

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