Sales Process

What is Lead Generation: Sales or Marketing?

Published by:
Prateek Mathur

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Lead generation stands at the crossroads of sales and marketing, serving as a vital pulse point for any business aiming to thrive in competitive markets. 

But who really owns this process? 

Is it more about the tempt created by marketing or the direct engagement that sales provide? 

This blog post explores how both departments play integral roles in lead generation and how their alignment can catalyze remarkable business growth. Understanding each function's contributions can help clarify how to structure and optimize these efforts for maximum impact.

Let’s get started!

Defining Lead Generation

Lead generation is a multifaceted process that transforms initial interest into actionable sales opportunities. This critical function is the lifeblood of any business’s growth strategy, laying the groundwork for acquiring new customers. 

Below, we break down the essence of lead generation, the types of leads, and the key steps involved in this dynamic process.

The Process of Building Interest and Converting It to a Sale

Lead generation begins by attracting potential customers through various channels like:

  • Content marketing
  • Social media
  • Direct marketing efforts

The goal is to capture attention and stir enough interest to lead to further interaction. From there, the process is geared towards nurturing that interest and guiding potential leads through a journey that culminates in a sale. It's about creating a pathway from initial curiosity to a definitive decision to purchase.

Types of Leads: Qualified, Unqualified, and Warm Leads

Lead Type


Qualified Leads

Prospects who meet the ideal customer profile and have shown interest in the product or service.

Unqualified Leads

Captured information from individuals who have not been assessed or do not fit the ideal customer profile.

Warm Leads

Prospects who have shown some interest but require further qualification to determine their readiness to buy.

Steps in the Lead Generation Process

  1. Creating Awareness: This initial step involves spreading the word about a product or service through various marketing campaigns. The aim is to reach as broad an audience as possible to introduce the brand and its offerings.
  2. Capturing Potential Leads: Once awareness is established, the next step is to collect the contact information of interested parties. This can be achieved through signup forms, subscriptions, or other lead capture mechanisms that help gather essential information about the prospects.
  3. Engaging with Personalized Communication: With the details in hand, businesses can engage with potential leads through targeted communications tailored to their interests and behaviors. This personalized approach helps build relationships and move prospects further down the sales funnel toward a purchase.

MQL vs. SQL: What’s the Difference?

Now that we've established what lead generation entails let's delve into the specific types of leads — MQLs and SQLs — and understand their distinct roles.


Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)

Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)


Prospects who have shown interest or need for products/services.

Prospects who meet the ideal customer profile and are ready for a direct sales approach.


Engaging with marketing content (e.g., downloading white papers, subscribing to newsletters).

Direct interactions that indicate purchase intent (e.g., consultations, detailed inquiries).


Not yet ready to make a purchase, requires further nurturing.

Considered ready for a sales approach, showing intent to purchase.

Role in Sales Funnel

Fill the pipeline with potential leads that could be nurtured into SQLs.

Closer to making a purchase decision, represents a more immediate opportunity for revenue.

Importance in Growth

Critical for attracting a broad audience and engaging them to move further down the sales funnel.

Vital for converting interest into actual sales, directly impacting revenue.

Role of Sales in Lead Generation

With a clearer understanding of MQLs and SQLs, we can now explore how the sales team engages with these leads to drive business outcomes.

Sales Activities: Cold Calling, Emailing, Prospecting

  • Cold Calling: This traditional yet effective technique involves directly contacting potential customers. Despite the growing popularity of digital marketing, cold calling continues to be an effective approach for starting direct conversations and identifying potential leads.
  • Emailing: Sales emails are crafted to engage potential leads by providing them with tailored information, offers, or insights about products or services. This method helps maintain continuous communication and nurture relationships with prospects.
  • Prospecting: This involves identifying potential customers who may not have shown direct interest but fit the ideal customer profile. Prospecting is crucial for expanding the lead pool and discovering new opportunities.

Importance of an Optimized Website

A website functions as a digital storefront for any business and is crucial in creating a positive first impression. An optimized website enhances user experience through easy navigation, fast loading times, and clear calls to action — all of which are essential for converting visitors into leads. Since 96% of website visitors aren’t ready to buy on their first visit, creating an engaging and informative environment becomes even more critical.

It is a central hub for all marketing and sales information, providing potential leads with everything they need to make informed decisions.

Necessity of Mobile-Friendly Design and Value-Driven Content Showcasing

With the rise in smartphone usage for internet browsing, having a mobile-friendly website is essential. A mobile-responsive layout ensures that the website is accessible and functional across all devices, which is crucial for capturing leads from mobile users.

Additionally, the content displayed on the website should be compelling and provide value to the visitors. 

This includes content highlighting the benefits and features of the products or services offered, such as:

  • Well-crafted product descriptions
  • Informative blog posts
  • Engaging multimedia content 

This type of content helps in SEO and establishes credibility and trust with potential customers.

Role of Marketing in Lead Generation

While sales teams play a crucial role in converting leads, marketing efforts are equally essential in attracting and nurturing potential customers. Notably, compared to traditional marketing programs, content marketing costs 62% less and generates approximately 3X the volume of leads, underscoring the efficiency and effectiveness of well-crafted marketing strategies.

Creating and Testing Engaging Content

Marketing teams focus on developing content that resonates with the target audience by addressing their needs and challenges. This involves creating diverse forms of content that provide solutions or valuable insights, such as: 

  • Blog posts
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Whitepapers. 

Testing different versions of content helps marketers understand what best engages the audience, enabling them to refine their content strategies for better results.

Setting Up a Lead Scoring System and Understanding Audience Platforms

Lead scoring is a methodology for ranking prospects against a scale representing each lead's perceived value to the organization. By assigning scores based on engagement and demographic information, marketing teams can prioritize leads, respond to them appropriately, and increase the conversion rate.

Moreover, understanding where the target audience spend their time online is crucial for optimizing marketing efforts. This knowledge allows marketers to tailor their strategies to specific platforms, whether social media, professional networks, or industry forums.

Importance of Compelling Calls-to-Action and Performing A/B Testing

Calls to action (CTAs) are essential marketing materials that guide users to the next step. 

Compelling CTAs can significantly increase conversion rates, whether users: 

  • Sign up for a newsletter
  • Download a white paper
  • Request a demo.

A/B testing involves comparing two web page versions or content pieces to see which performs better. Marketers can refine their approaches based on actual data by continually testing different CTAs, images, headlines, or page layouts. This enhances the effectiveness of their lead-generation efforts.

Also Read: Understanding and Optimizing Conversion Funnel Marketing

Components of Digital Marketing

  • User-Friendly Websites: Websites should be easy to navigate, visually appealing, and quick to load, providing a seamless experience that encourages visitors to convert into leads.
  • SEO-Optimized Pages: Optimizing web pages with relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and tags helps attract traffic from target audiences actively searching for related products or services.
  • Effective Social Media Content: Social media content should be engaging, shareable, and tailored to the specific norms and expectations of each platform, helping to drive traffic back to the company’s website.

Benefits of Aligning Sales and Marketing Lead Generation Efforts

The interplay between marketing and sales is vital, highlighting the benefits of aligning their efforts to maximize lead generation and conversion.

1. Combined Efforts for Effective Lead Generation

When sales and marketing teams work together, they create a unified strategy that leverages the strengths of both departments. 

For example, at a software company, marketing could develop a targeted ad campaign that attracts potential users. At the same time, sales follow up with those who clicked on the ad to provide detailed demonstrations. 

This synergy ensures that the lead generation efforts are expansive, targeted, and efficient.

2. Smooth Lead Handoff from MQLs to SQLs

A clear and agreed-upon process for handing off leads from marketing to sales (from MQLs to SQLs) reduces the risk of leads falling through the cracks. 

For instance, at a digital marketing agency, marketing might pass along leads who have downloaded a content offer on "SEO Best Practices," which sales then contact with personalized consultation offers. 

By defining specific criteria that qualify leads at each stage and understanding when a lead is ready to be transitioned from one team to another, companies can minimize miscommunications and ensure that potential customers always engage with the right team at the right time.

3. Cohesive Sales Process Enhancing Revenue Generation

Aligning sales and marketing efforts leads to a more cohesive sales process, where each team understands its role in the customer journey. This alignment helps create a seamless experience for the customer, from initial awareness and interest generated by marketing to the final sale closed by sales. 

For example, a B2B tech company may use insights from marketing’s lead nurturing emails to tailor its sales pitches, ensuring consistency and a seamless transition. 

Such a streamlined process improves customer satisfaction and enhances the efficiency of the sales cycle, leading to quicker closes and increased revenue.

4. Common Customer and Prospect Data Use

Sharing data between sales and marketing can give both teams a deeper understanding of customer behavior and preferences. 

At a retail company, marketing might analyze the purchasing patterns and feedback from sales transactions to adjust their campaigns. In contrast, sales use insights from marketing’s social media analysis to anticipate product trends and customer questions. 

This shared pool of information results in more effective marketing campaigns and more informed sales strategies, making each interaction with potential and existing customers more personalized and impactful.

Successful Practices for Sales and Marketing Collaboration

Building on the benefits of alignment, let's examine some successful practices that enhance collaboration between sales and marketing teams.

1. Active Sales Participation in Teleprospecting Lead Generation Campaigns

Involving sales teams in tele-prospecting campaigns allows for real-time feedback and insights that can be used to refine messaging and targeting. 

For example, a company in the healthcare sector may have sales representatives join initial calls to understand the specific needs of medical professionals. This direct involvement helps tailor the marketing efforts to better suit the target audience’s preferences, increasing the chances of conversion.

2. Marketing or Lead Generation Specialists Handling Lead Qualification and Nurturing

Assigning marketing or lead generation specialists the task of lead qualification and nurturing ensures that only highly qualified leads are passed to the sales team. 

This can be seen in tech industries where marketing teams use automated tools and personalized email sequences to nurture leads until they demonstrate clear purchase intent. This makes the sales process more efficient and focused.

3. Distinction and Alignment between MQLs and SQLs

Defining what constitutes a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) and a Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) and ensuring both teams agree on these definitions can significantly streamline the lead management process. 

A consumer goods company might define MQLs as customers interacting with a certain number of marketing emails and SQLs requesting a free trial or quote, facilitating a smooth transition from marketing to sales.

4. Agile Adjustments Based on Regular Assessments and Sales Team Feedback

Regular assessments and open channels for feedback from the sales team can help marketing adjust their strategies and operations dynamically. 

For instance, if a B2B service provider finds that prospects consistently misunderstand certain marketing materials, they can quickly update these resources to meet the needs better and improve overall sales effectiveness.

Also read: Guide to Hire and Train a Successful Remote Sales Team


The synergy between sales and marketing is beneficial and essential for thriving in today's competitive business landscape. 

You can enhance your lead generation and conversion rates by implementing practices like: 

  • Integrating sales insights into tele-prospecting
  • Streamlining lead qualification by marketing specialists
  • Ensuring alignment on what defines MQLs and SQLs

Moreover, agile adjustments based on continuous feedback can help you further refine these efforts – creating a dynamic and responsive approach to market demands.

If you're a startup founder or a small business owner looking to optimize your sales processes without the overhead of full-time hires, consider partnering with Activated Scale. Our platform offers a unique solution by providing access to vetted and experienced fractional sales talent. 

Whether you're exploring part-time or full-time sales expertise, our 'try before you hire' model allows you to gauge fit before committing, ensuring that your sales team scales in alignment with your business needs.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you streamline your sales process and accelerate your business growth!

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