Sales Hiring

Hiring a Sales Manager: A Guide

Published by:
Prateek Mathur

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If sales were a game of chess, your sales manager would be the grandmaster pulling all the winning moves!

Finding the right person to lead your sales team is crucial for driving growth and achieving your business goals. 

This guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to navigate the hiring process effectively, ensuring you select a top performer who can take your sales to the next level.

Identifying Key Qualities and Skills of a Sales Manager

Let's delve into the essential qualities and skills that define a successful candidate. This foundation will guide us in identifying the right individual who can drive our sales team toward exceptional performance.

1. Essential Attributes of a Successful Sales Manager

  • Leadership: Ability to inspire and motivate a team.
  • Resilience: Capacity to handle sales rejection and setbacks while maintaining team morale.
  • Communication: Skills to clearly articulate goals, provide feedback, and foster open dialogue.

2. Importance of a Growth Mindset and Coaching Skills in Fostering Team Development.

A successful sales manager should possess a growth mindset, constantly seeking improvement and encouraging their team to do the same.

Moreover, effective coaching skills are essential for mentoring team members, helping them develop their skills, and guiding them through challenges.

3. Evaluating Candidates' Capability to Build and Lead High-performing Teams.

Evaluate candidates on their track record of building and leading successful teams. Look for evidence of strategic planning, conflict resolution, and the ability to meet or exceed sales targets.

Building an Ideal Candidate Profile

With a clear idea of the skills and qualities needed, the next step involves building a detailed candidate profile. This profile will help in aligning the recruitment process with our strategic goals, ensuring we target the right type of candidate.:

Determining Core Values, Skills, and Experiences Ideal for the Role

1. Core Values Alignment

Identify values that resonate with your company’s culture. These might include integrity, innovation, teamwork, and customer focus. The alignment ensures that the candidate will thrive within your organizational environment.

2. Essential Skills

Pinpoint non-negotiable skills necessary for the role. This includes:

  • Strategic Planning: Ability to develop strategies to penetrate new markets and increase market share.
  • CRM Proficiency: Expertise in using customer relationship management tools to enhance customer engagement and streamline sales processes.
  • Leadership: Strong leadership skills to motivate and guide a sales team toward achieving set goals.

3. Relevant Experiences

Consider experiences vital for the role, such as:

  • Industry Experience: Background in a similar sector to quickly understand industry challenges and dynamics.
  • Team Management: Experience in managing and scaling sales teams, with a proven track record of enhancing team performance.

Incorporating Success Measures and KPIs Into the Candidate Profile

Define clear success metrics to evaluate the sales manager's effectiveness. Integrating these KPIs helps assess the candidate's potential impact on your organization. 

Essential KPIs might include:

  • Sales Growth Rate: Year-over-year growth in sales, reflecting the candidate's ability to drive sales and expand business.
  • Customer Retention Rates: Effectiveness in maintaining customer relationships and reducing churn, which is crucial for long-term stability.
  • Team Satisfaction Scores: Feedback from team members under the candidate's leadership, indicating leadership effectiveness and team morale.

Read: Sales Development Manager Responsibilities

Creating an Effective Job Advertisement

Once we have defined what we are looking for in a sales manager, crafting a compelling job advertisement is crucial. This advertisement will attract the right candidates and reflect our company’s values and vision.

1. Crafting a Compelling and Inclusive Job Ad

  • Use language that is welcoming to all potential applicants, avoiding jargon and terms that might deter diverse candidates.
  • Highlight the role’s impact within the company and growth opportunities to make it appealing.

2. The Significance of Clarity, Simplicity, and Diversity in Job Ads

Ensure the job description is straightforward and easy to understand, outlining essential responsibilities and qualifications without unnecessary complexity.

Additionally, emphasize your company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, which can enhance your appeal to a broader range of candidates.

3. Strategies for Making Your Job Ad Stand Out to Attract Top Candidates

Here are some tips to make your Job Ad engaging:

  • Use engaging language and a clear call to action.
  • Include testimonials from current employees or highlights of company culture.
  • Optimize the advertisement for search engines and job boards with relevant keywords.

Read: The Art of Crafting a Compelling Sales Job Description: A Guide to Attracting Top Talent and Boosting Your Business

The Recruitment Process

From the drawing board of job advertisements, we transition into the dynamic and strategic recruitment process. This process is designed to filter through the potential candidates and identify the best fit for our organization:

1. A Step-by-Step Approach to Hiring a Sales Manager

  • Preparation: Define the role and the ideal candidate profile.
  • Sourcing: Utilize various channels like LinkedIn, industry-specific job boards, and professional networks.
  • Screening: Conduct initial screenings to filter candidates based on essential criteria.
  • Interviewing: Arrange structured interviews to evaluate deeper competencies.

2. Advantages of Internal Vs. External Hiring Decisions

  • Internal Hiring: Promotes loyalty, rewards performance, reduces training time, and improves morale.
  • External Hiring: Brings new ideas and fresh perspectives, broadens the talent pool, and revitalizes teams with different skills and experiences.

3. Assessment Tools and Structured Interviews as Objective Evaluation Methods

Use a combination of assessment tools and structured interviews to evaluate candidates objectively:

  • Assessment Tools: Implement personality tests to understand candidate traits that predict success in sales roles, such as extroversion, agreeableness, and resilience. Skills assessments can evaluate CRM proficiency or strategic planning abilities.
  • Structured Interviews: Develop a set of standardized, job-related questions that every candidate is asked. This might include scenarios such as, “Describe a time when you had to overcome a significant sales obstacle” or “Explain how you would approach a market with declining sales figures.” This approach ensures that all candidates are evaluated equally, reducing bias and increasing the fairness of the recruitment process.

4. The Role of Case Studies in Assessing Real-world Skills

Incorporate practical case studies into the interview process to evaluate how candidates handle real-world challenges. For instance, provide candidates with a scenario where they must devise a strategy to enter a new market segment. 

You can then ask them to prepare a presentation outlining their approach, potential challenges, and projected outcomes. This exercise reveals their strategic thinking, problem-solving skills, and ability to communicate complex ideas effectively.

Interviewing Candidates

Having narrowed down our candidate pool through meticulous screening, we now move to the in-depth, personal engagement of the interview process. This stage is critical for assessing the nuanced competencies and fit of each candidate.

Here’s how to approach the interview process:

1. Preparing Structured and Detailed-oriented Questions

When interviewing potential sales managers, it's important to ask questions that reveal their depth of experience and approach to sales management. 

Here is a list of questions designed to uncover critical aspects of a candidate's capabilities and style:

  • Strategic Approach: "Can you describe a sales strategy you developed and how it impacted your team's performance?"
  • Leadership Style: "How do you motivate a team during a sales slump?"
  • Conflict Resolution: "Provide an example of handling a disagreement within your sales team. What was the outcome?"
  • Adaptability: "Tell me about a time when you had to adjust your sales tactics to respond to a sudden market change."
  • Result Orientation: "What's the most challenging sales target you've achieved, and how did you reach it?"

These questions encourage candidates to provide detailed examples from their previous experiences, offering insights into their strategic thinking, leadership, and operational effectiveness.

2. Importance of Evaluating Past Coaching Experiences and Team-building Approaches

  • Ask about their previous coaching experiences to understand their ability to mentor and develop team members.
  • Discuss their team-building strategies to gauge how they cultivate a collaborative and effective team environment.

3. Analyzing Candidates' Responses for Evidence of a Player-coach Mentality

A player-coach mentality is crucial for sales managers, as they need to lead by example and guide their team through hands-on involvement. 

Here’s how to assess this:

  • Engagement Examples: Look for stories or examples where the candidate has directly worked with a team member to close deals or overcome challenges. This indicates their willingness to get involved at the ground level.
  • Balancing Act: Evaluate how candidates describe balancing their responsibilities between making sales themselves and supporting their team. Effective player coaches provide clear examples of how they have managed this dual role successfully.

Finalizing the Hiring Decision

After conducting thorough interviews, we approach the decisive phase of finalizing our hiring decision. This involves carefully considering all data gathered to select the best candidate to lead our sales team to success.

1. Utilizing Assessments to Minimize Bias and Enhance Decision-Making

To reduce bias and enhance the objectivity of your hiring process, incorporate standardized assessments. Tools like the Predictive Index, Hogan Assessments, and DISC profiles provide valuable insights into a candidate’s personality traits and skills. 

These assessments can help you understand a candidate's propensity for leadership, their adaptability in fast-paced environments, or their suitability for a team-oriented culture.

But how is this exactly helpful?

A tech company might use cognitive ability tests to gauge problem-solving skills, ensuring candidates can handle the complexities of a rapidly evolving market. This objective data supports the interview impressions, providing a rounded picture of each candidate.

2. The Importance of a Thorough Review and Comparison Process

After gathering all necessary information, thoroughly review and compare candidates. This involves analyzing interview notes, assessment results, and other relevant data.

How to conduct a comparison:

  • Create a scorecard based on the job description and desired candidate attributes.
  • Rate each candidate against these criteria to quantify their suitability.
  • Discuss findings in a hiring committee to gain diverse perspectives and reach a consensus.

This structured approach ensures that you make an informed decision by directly comparing candidates against the same standardized criteria.

3. Making the Offer: Considerations and Negotiations

Once a candidate is selected, prepare a competitive offer that aligns with the value they bring to the position. Be prepared to negotiate terms, including salary, benefits, and other compensation elements. Clear communication and flexibility can help seal the agreement satisfactorily for both parties.

Onboarding and Continuous Development

With a new sales manager hired, our focus shifts to integration and ongoing development, ensuring they have the tools and knowledge needed to succeed and grow within our organization. 

1. Ensuring a Smooth Integration Into the Organization

Structured Onboarding Plan:

  • Develop a comprehensive onboarding program introducing the new sales manager to all facets of the company, including key departments, processes, and the sales team they will lead.
  • Schedule meetings with key stakeholders to establish important relationships and integrate the sales manager into the company culture.

Mentorship and Support:

  • Assign a mentor or advisor, possibly a senior leader, who can provide guidance and support as the sales manager acclimates to their new role.
  • Ensure open lines of communication, allowing the new manager to feel comfortable seeking help and asking questions.

2. Strategies for Continuous Development and Success Tracking

Tailored Development Plans:

  • Create individualized development plans based on the sales manager’s initial performance assessments and long-term career goals.
  • Include specific milestones and objectives that align with the company’s goals and personal and professional development.

Regular Performance Reviews:

  • Implement a schedule for regular performance evaluations, discussing achievements and areas for improvement.
  • Use these reviews as opportunities to set new goals, adjust strategies, and reinforce the sales manager’s career trajectory within the company.

3. Establishing a Culture of Continuous Learning and Improvement

Ongoing Training Opportunities:

  • Provide access to ongoing training resources, such as workshops, seminars, and courses relevant to sales management and emerging industry trends.
  • Encourage participation in external sales conferences and internal cross-training sessions to broaden skills and perspectives.

Incentives for Self-Improvement:

  • Offer incentives for achieving learning milestones or certifications contributing to the manager's role.
  • Foster an environment where feedback is openly exchanged and learning from mistakes is encouraged as a part of personal and team growth.

Integrating Activated Scale into Your Sales Manager Hiring Strategy

Activated Scale offers a unique solution that can complement traditional hiring practices, especially when scaling sales operations or managing transitional periods. It allows businesses to access experienced sales professionals on a flexible basis, which can be particularly useful when searching for a permanent sales manager or when testing new markets.

Benefits of Activated Scale When Hiring a Sales Manager

  • Trial Before Full-Time Commitment: Utilize Activated Scale to bring on experienced sales leaders on a fractional basis. This approach lets you evaluate their fit with your team and effectiveness in your market before committing to a full-time hire.
  • Interim Leadership: While searching for the ideal candidate, a fractional leader from Activated Scale can maintain momentum in the sales department, ensuring targets are met and the team remains motivated.
  • Specialized Expertise for Strategic Projects: When a new strategy or market penetration is being tested, Activated Scale professionals can provide the necessary expertise without the long-term overhead.
  • Enhanced Flexibility and Scalability: As your business grows, Activated Scale allows you to scale your sales leadership up or down based on current business needs, providing a perfect blend of flexibility and expertise.


As we navigate the complexities of hiring a sales manager, it's clear that the process requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. Each step is critical in shaping a successful sales team, from identifying the right qualities and skills to integrating new hires smoothly. 

However, for startups and small businesses looking to mitigate risks and optimize their sales operations without delay.

By leveraging Activated Scale, companies can access a pool of vetted, experienced sales professionals. Whether you need interim leadership or specialized expertise for strategic projects, Activated Scale adapts to your needs, offering the right support at the right time.

Contact us today to discover how our fractional sales talent can grow your business.

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