Sales Process

How To Adopt The Full-Cycle Sales Process

Published by:
Prateek Mathur

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Are you a sales manager of a startup juggling between multiple sales roles?

But what if there’s actually a better way?

Full-cycle sales could really change the game for you.

Introduction to Full-Cycle Sales

Full-cycle is like having a one-stop shop where you, as a salesperson, handle everything from the initial contact to sealing the deal and beyond. There are no handoffs—just you, your customer, and the journey together from start to finish.

It's about taking ownership, building relationships, and seeing things through every step of the way. Sounds pretty neat, right?

Read on to learn how adopting this full-cycle sales approach can amplify your sales game and take your business to new heights.

Explanation Of Full-Cycle Sales

Let's dissect the difference between full-cycle sales and the traditional roles of Sales Development Representatives, Business Development Representatives, and Account Executives.

In full-cycle sales, you're the one in control, handling every aspect of the sales process. But in the traditional setup, it's more like a relay race, passing the baton from one team member to the next. Here’s breaking it down:

Full-Cycle Sales vs Traditional Roles
Aspect Full-Cycle Sales Traditional Roles
What You'll Do? Handles the entire sales process from lead generation to closing and beyond Tasks divided among SDRs, BDRs, and AEs
How You Do It? Hands-on involvement at every stage Specialized roles for different stages
What the Customer Gets? Provides consistent and cohesive experience throughout Handoffs may lead to disjointed experiences
Who's Accountable? Complete ownership of the sales journey Shared ownership among team members
How do You Adapt? Adaptable to customer needs and market changes Limited flexibility due to role constraints

The Evolution Of Sales Team Structures

Let's take a quick trip down memory lane and explore the evolution of sales team structures.

Sales teams used to be like groups of specialists, each focused on their own task. Say the salesperson gets the customer to sign the contract, then the customer is never heard from again.

Full-cycle sales throws that old way of doing things out the window. Now, it's all about understanding the customer's needs from the start to their long-term success.

Buyers today aren't just looking for a quick sale. They want a partner invested in their success. That's where full-cycle sales come in. It's about ditching the one-and-done approach and building a lasting relationship.

Just focusing on the close? You might lose a growing customer. Full-cycle sales help you adapt to this shift by keeping the conversation going and ensuring your solution continues to deliver value.

What Does A Full-Cycle Sales Rep Do?

Unlike traditional sales, where the focus might be on securing a single deal, full-cycle reps are in it for the win-win. Here's what you can expect:

Lead Finder: You'll become a pro at finding new customers who could really benefit from what you have got to offer.

Being Insightful: Ask understanding questions to get a clear idea of your client's needs, challenges, and goals.

Problem Solver: You won't just sell a product, you'll create a tailor-made solution to fit your client's specific needs.

Master the Art of Presentation: You will have to confidently present your solution, highlighting its value and demonstrating its impact.

Skilled Negotiator: Hone your negotiation skills as you’ve got to work collaboratively with clients to reach mutually beneficial agreements.

Customer Success Rep: You’ll secure the deal, and transition into a trusted advisor, ensuring your clients achieve success with your product or service.

As you aim to master these diverse roles, consider how a fractional sales talent from Activated Scale could bolster your efforts, allowing you to focus on the big picture.

Understanding Sales Team Structures

So, how does this all fit within the bigger picture of sales team structures? Let’s break it down.

Division Between BDRs And SDRs

Here’s a difference between BDRs (Business Development Representatives) focusing on outbound sales and SDRs (Sales Development Representatives) handling inbound opportunities. It's like comparing two sides of the same coin in the realm of full-cycle sales.

The Breakdown: BDRs vs SDRs
The Breakdown Business Development Representatives Sales Development Representatives
Focus Outbound sales, proactively reaching out to potential leads Inbound opportunities, responding to leads who have shown interest
Approach Initiates contact with prospects Respond to inquiries and engage with leads
Lead Generation Cold outreach campaigns, email and phone calls Qualifies leads from marketing efforts
Skillset Strong communication and persuasion skills Active listening and problem-solving abilities
Objective Generating new leads and setting appointments Qualifying and nurturing leads to hand over to the sales team
Relationship Building Initiates initial contact Builds rapport and understanding with prospects

Benefits Of Full-Cycle Sales

Embracing full-cycle sales can work wonders in simplifying your sales process. By eliminating inefficient handovers and streamlining operations, you're not just saving time, you're maximizing every opportunity to close deals and satisfy your customers. Here are 10 pointers highlighting the benefits:

Seamless Transitions: With full-cycle sales, passing the baton between different team members is no longer necessary. You smoothly transition from lead generation to closing the deal without any hiccups.

Consistent Communication: By being involved in every stage, you maintain consistent communication with prospects, ensuring they feel valued and understood throughout their journey.

Faster Response Times: Without the delays of handovers, you can respond to inquiries and address concerns promptly, keeping the momentum going and reducing the risk of losing leads.

Holistic Understanding: You gain a complete understanding of each prospect's needs and pain points, allowing you to tailor your approach and offer solutions more effectively.

Improved Accountability: With full ownership of the sales process, you take full responsibility for the outcomes, motivating you to stay proactive and focused on achieving results.

Efficient Resource Allocation: By avoiding redundant handovers and duplicate efforts, you optimize resource allocation, making the most of your time and energy.

Enhanced Customer Experience: Customers appreciate the personalized attention and seamless experience offered by a single point of contact, increasing their satisfaction and loyalty.

Reduced Risk of Miscommunication: With fewer handoffs, the risk of miscommunication or misunderstandings between team members decreases, leading to smoother interactions and fewer errors.

Quicker Decision-Making: Without waiting for input from different team members, you can make decisions and take action more swiftly, keeping the sales cycle moving at a brisk pace.

Greater Control Over the Process: Full-cycle sales empowers you with greater control over the entire process, allowing you to adapt and pivot as needed to navigate obstacles and capitalize on opportunities.

When to Consider Full-Cycle Sales Reps?

Not all sales situations require a full-cycle rep. But for some businesses, it can be a game-changer. Curious if full-cycle sales is the right move for your team? Here are some indicators that it might be your golden ticket.

When considering whether full-cycle sales is the right fit for your business, several factors come into play. From the maturity of your target market to the complexity of your product, each aspect influences how effective a full-cycle approach can be.

Market Maturity: The maturity of your target market can greatly impact the effectiveness of full-cycle sales. In a mature market with established buying patterns, a full-cycle approach may be more suitable as customers may prefer a personalized, end-to-end experience.

Product Complexity: The complexity of your product or service also plays a crucial role. If your offering requires extensive explanation or customization, having a single point of contact throughout the sales process can enhance understanding and build trust with customers.

Market Size: The size of your target market is another key consideration. In smaller markets, where relationships and personalized interactions are valued, full-cycle sales can be highly effective in nurturing leads and closing deals.

Company Maturity: The maturity of your company itself is important to assess. In early-stage startups or smaller businesses, full-cycle sales allows for agility and adaptability, as you can quickly repeat your approach based on direct customer feedback.

Customer Engagement Preferences: Understanding how your target customers prefer to engage with sales teams is essential. Some may appreciate the personalized touch of full-cycle sales, while others may prefer a more specialized approach with different team members handling specific stages of the process.

Competitive Landscape: Analyzing your competitive landscape can also provide insights into the viability of full-cycle sales. If your competitors are successfully employing this approach, it may indicate its effectiveness within your industry.

Resource Availability: Lastly, consider the resources available to support a full-cycle sales model. This includes not only personnel but also technology and tools necessary to manage the entire sales process efficiently.

Suitability Of Full-Cycle Sales For Different Organization Sizes

Full-cycle sales reps can be a powerful asset for various company structures. Here's how they can benefit different businesses:

Startups: Building strong relationships is crucial for startups. Full-cycle reps can become trusted advisors, understanding your unique needs and tailoring solutions to help you grow. They can also act as a bridge between your company and early adopters, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience.

SMBs: If your business has a limited sales team, full-cycle reps can be a cost-effective way to manage the entire sales process, from lead generation to customer success. This frees you up to focus on other areas of your business while ensuring your sales funnel stays healthy.

Companies in mature or small markets: In these environments, where building long-term client relationships is essential, full-cycle reps can be incredibly valuable. They can focus on nurturing existing accounts and uncovering new opportunities within your current customer base, maximizing the return on your investment.

Let's shift gears and talk practicality – implementing full-cycle sales is no small feat, but here's how you can make it happen.

Operational Implications Of Full-Cycle Sales

Switching to full-cycle sales? You'll need to tweak your team's workflow. Here are some hands-on steps to make it happen. We'll discuss how to redefine the role of your sales talent to prioritize integrated efforts across all stages of the sales cycle, ensuring a smooth and successful transition.

Navigating the shift to full-cycle sales can be smooth with the right talent on your side. Activated Scale provides experienced professionals who can seamlessly integrate into your team, making the transition effective and efficient

Practical Steps For Implementing A Full-Cycle Sales Approach

Assess Your Current Sales Process: Start by examining your existing sales process from start to finish. Identify any gaps, inefficiencies, or bottlenecks that may arise from the handover between different team members.

Train Your Sales Team: Equip your sales team with the skills and knowledge they need to handle every stage of the sales process effectively. Provide comprehensive training on lead generation, qualification, negotiation, and closing techniques.

Streamline Communication: Foster open communication channels within your sales team to ensure seamless collaboration. Implement tools and technologies that facilitate real-time communication and information sharing.

Implement CRM Software: Invest in a robust CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software that allows you to centralize customer data, track interactions, and manage the entire sales pipeline. This will help you stay organized and provide a unified view of each customer's journey.

Set Clear Goals and Metrics: Define clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) for your full-cycle sales initiative. Whether it's increasing conversion rates, reducing sales cycle time, or improving customer satisfaction, having measurable objectives will keep your team focused and motivated.

Rethinking The Role Of Sales Talent

Reevaluating your sales staff's standing is essential to a full-cycle approach's success.  You will want salesmen who can wear many hats, not specialists who are isolated in their fields. This entails giving coordinated, team-based integrated sales initiatives a top priority.

Implementing Full-Cycle Sales

Using AI and sales automation to your advantage as you start the full-cycle sales implementation process can be transformative.

Sales Automation And Ai In Managing The Full Sales Cycle

Lead Qualification: Sales automation tools can analyze lead data and behavior to identify promising prospects, allowing your team to prioritize their efforts on high-quality leads.

Personalized Outreach: AI-powered algorithms can customize outreach messages based on prospect preferences and past interactions, increasing engagement and response rates.

Predictive Analytics: By leveraging AI, you can forecast sales trends, anticipate customer needs, and optimize strategies for better results throughout the sales cycle.

Workflow Automation: Automating repetitive tasks, such as data entry and follow-up emails, frees up your sales team to focus on building relationships and closing deals.

Sales Performance Monitoring: AI-driven analytics provide real-time insights into sales performance, enabling you to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

Importance Of Simplifying The Tech Stack

Streamlined Processes: Consolidating your tech stack eliminates redundant tools and integrations, simplifying workflows and reducing the risk of errors or miscommunications.

Improved Efficiency: With fewer systems to navigate, your team can work more efficiently, spending less time switching between applications and more time engaging with customers.

Enhanced Collaboration: A simplified tech stack promotes seamless collaboration across departments, ensuring everyone has access to the same information and can work together towards common goals.

Better Customer Experiences: By integrating systems and data sources, you can provide a unified and personalized experience for customers, from initial contact to post-sale support.

Cost Savings: Consolidating your tech stack can lead to cost savings by eliminating unnecessary subscriptions and licenses, as well as reducing IT maintenance and support requirements.

If the idea of implementing AI and sales automation seems daunting, remember that Activated Scale’s professionals are not only adept at handling sales cycles but are also proficient with the latest in sales technology, ready to bring your sales process into the future.


Wrapping up, the transition to full-cycle sales represents a significant shift driven by both customer preferences and operational efficiency. By adopting this comprehensive approach, businesses can better meet the evolving needs of their clientele while streamlining internal processes.

So, it is evident that full-cycle sales is more than simply a tactic; it is a basic reorganization with the capacity to transform the sales environment completely. Going forward, more research and discussion on full-cycle sales strategies and how to implement them should provide insightful information for companies trying to stay competitive in today's changing marketplace.

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