Sales Process

Understanding the Concept and Importance of Full Cycle Sales

Published by:
Prateek Mathur

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Feeling like your sales strategy is part of an epic quest that's missing its hero? 

Enter: Full Cycle Sales

Unlike traditional models that split responsibilities between various roles such as Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) and Account Executives (AEs), full-cycle sales encompass the complete oversight and management of the sales journey by a single representative. 

This method simplifies the sales process, enhances customer relationships, and provides a comprehensive view of the sales pipeline. 

In this article, we will explore full-cycle sales, the challenges with the traditional SDR/AE model, and the compelling benefits of embracing this streamlined approach.

What is Full Cycle Sales?

Full-cycle sales refer to the complete oversight and management of the entire sales process by an individual sales representative. 

This approach covers all stages of the sales journey, including:

  • Prospecting: The process begins with prospecting, where the sales rep identifies and generates a list of potential clients. 
  • Initial Contact: After identifying prospects, the sales rep initiates contact through various channels such as emails, calls, social media, or in-person meetings. 
  • Qualifying Leads: This involves evaluating whether the prospects have the need, budget, authority, and timeline to purchase the product or service. 
  • Presentation/Demonstration: Once a lead is qualified, the sales rep presents the product or service. 
  • Handling Objections: A full-cycle sales rep must skillfully address objections, providing information and reassurance to alleviate doubts and move the process forward.
  • Closing the Sale: The sales rep negotiates terms, handles final objections, and closes the deal. Effective closing techniques are essential to convert prospects into customers.
  • Follow-Up and Relationship Management: This stage includes regular check-ins, additional support, and keeping the client engaged with new offers or updates.

Typically, these responsibilities are split between SDRs (Sales Development Representatives):

  • Lead generation
  • Lead qualification
  • Appointment setting

and AEs (Account Executives):

  • Pitching
  • Closing sales
  • Managing accounts

Read: The No BS Guide to Objection Diffusion

Now that we've defined full-cycle sales, let's examine the challenges that the traditional SDR/AE model faces.

Challenges with the SDR/AE Sales Model

The SDR/AE sales model has been a mainstay for many businesses. 

It separates the prospecting and qualification stages from the closing and relationship management stages). While this division of labor can offer advantages, it's not without its challenges. 

Let's delve into three key issues that can arise with the SDR/AE model:

1. High Turnover Rates and Burnout Among SDRs

  • Repetitive Tasks: SDRs often handle high volumes of calls and emails, focusing on qualification over in-depth conversations. This repetitive nature can lead to burnout and a lack of engagement.
  • Limited Growth Potential: The clear separation between SDR and AE roles can make it difficult for SDRs to see a clear career path within the organization. This limited opportunity for advancement can contribute to high turnover rates.

2. Issues With Customer Satisfaction Due to the Disjointed Communication Process

  • Handoff Hurdles: When qualified leads are passed from SDRs to AEs, there's a risk of a communication gap. The customer might need to repeat information or feel a disconnect between the initial interactions and the sales pitch.
  • Inconsistent Messaging: With separate teams handling different stages, there's a potential for inconsistencies in messaging and value propositions presented to the customer. This lack of cohesion can create confusion and erode trust.

3. Inefficiencies and Hidden Costs Associated With a Divided Sales Model

  • SDR Training and Onboarding: Training SDRs on prospecting and qualification requires investment in resources and time.
  • Management Overhead: Managing two separate teams (SDRs and AEs) adds a layer of complexity and potentially increases management costs.
  • Ineffective Lead Qualification: Inefficient SDR processes can result in unqualified leads being passed to AEs, wasting valuable time and resources.

With these challenges in mind, you might wonder what the flip side of the coin looks like. Let's uncover the benefits that full-cycle sales teams offer.

Benefits of Full Cycle Sales Teams Over Specialization

full cycle sales

Here are the key benefits of implementing full-cycle sales:

1. Simplification of Sales Processes and Operational Alignment

Full-cycle sales teams handle every aspect of the sales process, from prospecting to closing deals. 

This simplification eliminates the need for multiple handoffs between specialists, reducing delays and potential communication errors. 

Moreover, operational alignment is naturally improved as these teams have a complete view of the sales pipeline and customer journey. This comprehensive understanding allows them to make decisions that align closely with broader business strategies and goals.

Read: How to Build an Effective Sales Process: Your Blueprint for Success

2. Potential for Increased Sales Turnover and a More Motivated Sales Team

Sales reps are responsible for and invested in the entire customer relationship, which motivates them to pursue leads more aggressively and close deals more effectively. 

Additionally, this comprehensive involvement can significantly boost job satisfaction and motivation among team members as they witness the direct impact of their efforts on business success.

3. Enhanced Personal Connection with Clients, Leading to Increased Satisfaction and Loyalty

By managing the complete sales cycle, sales reps develop deeper client relationships. This enhanced personal connection fosters increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Clients appreciate a single point of contact who understands their needs and preferences throughout their buying journey, which can lead to repeat business and referrals.

4. Streamlined Communication and Operational Efficiency

With fewer handoffs and clearer responsibilities, full-cycle sales teams can execute strategies more swiftly and effectively. 

Also, streamlined processes reduce the chances of errors and ensure that client inquiries and issues are addressed promptly, leading to better service and faster problem resolution.

5. Greater Flexibility and Adaptability to Market and Customer Needs

As full-cycle sales teams oversee the entire sales process, they can: 

  • Quickly shift strategies
  • Experiment with new approaches
  • Adapt to new trends without the constraints of specialized roles

This agility allows businesses to stay competitive and responsive in dynamic markets.

Curious about how you can implement this model into your own sales force? 

Stick around as we discuss some practical tips to make the transition smoother.

Tips for Implementing Full-Cycle Sales

full cycle sales

Use the following tips to successfully implement a full-cycle sales model:

1. Adopt Strategies for Transitioning From a Divided to a Full-cycle Sales Model

  • Training and Development: This includes training on product knowledge, customer relationship management, negotiation skills, and closing techniques.
  • Redefining Roles and Responsibilities: Eliminate specialized roles like SDRs and AEs and enable your sales team to manage both lead generation and deal closures.
  • Gradual Integration: To manage the full cycle, start with a pilot program involving a small group of sales reps. Use the insights gained to refine the process before rolling it out company-wide.
  • Support Systems: Establish robust support systems, including mentoring and continuous learning opportunities. Encourage collaboration among team members to share best practices and challenges.

2. Align Marketing and Sales

 Marketing is key in generating leads and nurturing them until they are ready to engage with sales. 

Effective alignment involves:

  • Shared Goals and Metrics: Ensure marketing and sales teams share common goals and metrics. This alignment helps both teams achieve a unified objective, improving lead quality and sales effectiveness.
  • Regular Communication: Facilitate meetings between marketing and sales to discuss strategies, share feedback, and adjust tactics. This ongoing dialogue ensures that both teams are in sync and can quickly adapt to changing customer needs or market conditions.
  • Integrated Technology: Utilize a CRM system that integrates marketing automation and sales functionalities. This allows seamless data sharing between marketing and sales, enhancing lead scoring, nurturing, and prioritization.

3. Utilize Analytics for Insights Into Customer Behavior and Sales Strategy Optimization

Let’s understand how analytics can drive better sales decisions:

  • Customer Insights: Use analytics tools to gather and analyze data on customer behavior, preferences, and engagement. This information helps sales reps personalize their approaches and improve customer interactions.
  • Performance Analysis: Regularly analyze sales performance to identify trends, pinpoint areas for improvement, and understand what strategies are working. Metrics such as conversion rates, average deal size, and sales cycle length are critical for assessing the effectiveness of the full-cycle sales model.
  • Predictive Analytics: Leverage predictive analytics to forecast sales trends and customer behavior. This can help sales reps anticipate customer needs and adjust their strategies proactively, improving the chances of closing deals.

4. Leverage Expert Guidance from Specialized Companies

For businesses seeking to transition smoothly to a full-cycle sales model, partnering with a company like Activated Scale can be highly beneficial. 

Activated Scale offers access to vetted, experienced sales professionals who specialize in full-cycle sales, ensuring that your team gets the expert guidance it needs. These seasoned experts can help refine your sales strategies, mentor your team, and implement efficient processes, all tailored to your specific business needs. 

Their expertise in navigating the complexities of sales ensures that your transition is not only successful but also aligned with industry best practices.


Full-cycle sales enhances the effectiveness of sales teams and offers a more satisfying and impactful role for sales personnel – leading to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover. 

It is a robust solution that aligns with modern sales dynamics and customer expectations. 

And as you strive to adapt to achieve that, partnering with Activated Scale could unlock your path to a more cohesive, efficient, and adaptable sales operation, allowing you to embrace the advantages of full-cycle sales fully.

Book a demo today and start your journey towards a more efficient and adaptable sales strategy.

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