Sales Tips

Techniques to Boost B2B Sales Leads Generation

Published by:
Prateek Mathur

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Ever wondered what it feels like while hitting the gym daily to lose weight? Trying every possible thing and not even reducing it by 1kg? That’s exactly B2B sales lead generation sometimes!

Lead generation is always a hot topic of discussion among sales teams. Not because it’s a trending topic but because it's hard to figure out.

Even the most prosperous organizations face difficulties in acquiring leads initially. 

It can take a lot of effort to develop strategies for generating B2B sales leads, but If you don't optimize them, you're pretty out of business.

This article will provide you with techniques to boost B2B sales lead generation that you can put into practice right now.


With B2B sales lead marketing, the quality of sales leads can make or break your business growth. Translating high-quality leads into higher conversion rates, more sales, and ultimately, sustained business success. Unlike B2C, where volume often takes precedence, B2B sales lead generation demands precision and relevance. It's critical to ensure that each B2B sales lead potentially fits your business solutions.

Despite the importance, generating quality B2B sales leads is still a huge challenge for marketers. Generating B2B sales leads involves longer sales cycles, multiple decision-makers, and more sophisticated buyer journeys, adding to the complexity.

Additionally, distinguishing genuine B2B sales leads from mere inquiries requires robust strategies and consistent optimization.

This blog explores some of the most effective techniques to boost B2B sales leads. From account-based strategies to leveraging marketing automation and optimizing your online presence, here’s everything you need to fill your sales funnel with qualified B2B sales leads.

Let’s start with making account-based strategies to boost B2B sales lead generation.

Account-Based Strategies

Initiating and nurturing conversations with potential B2B sales leads is vital to understanding their unique needs and building relationships. Personalized outreach is a key component of this strategy. 

Start by researching your prospects to gather information about their business, challenges, and goals. Use this information to craft personalized messages that demonstrate your understanding of their situation and how your solutions can address their pain points.

Additionally, using social media platforms such as LinkedIn to engage prospects with comments, shares, and messages.

So, let’s move on to the next step after you've engaged these prospects on social media.

  • Generate a Targeted List of Business Contacts

Creating a targeted list of business contacts is fundamental for any B2B sales lead generation strategy. Start by defining your ideal customer profile (ICP), which includes characteristics such as company size, industry, geographic location, and decision-maker roles. 

Once you have a clear understanding of your ICP, use tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator to identify and compile a list of contacts that match these criteria.

A targeted approach ensures that your B2B sales lead generation efforts are focused on the right audience, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of your campaigns. By concentrating on high-potential prospects, you can maximize your resources and improve your chances of converting B2B sales leads into customers.

  • Use Data-Driven Tools for Better Lead Targeting

Using Data-driven tools makes your lead targeting precise and effective. Tools like ZoomInfo, Clearbit, and InsideView provide comprehensive data on potential B2B sales leads, including details such as company size, industry, revenue, technology stack, and recent activity. This wealth of information helps you identify and prioritize leads that are most likely to benefit from your products or services.

  1. ZoomInfo, for example, offers detailed contact and company profiles, enabling you to segment your audience based on specific criteria and tailor your messaging accordingly. 
  2. Clearbit provides real-time data enrichment, allowing you to gather insights on your website visitors and existing B2B sales leads to create personalized outreach strategies.
  3. InsideView delivers market intelligence and insights that help you understand your prospects' business environment and identify potential triggers for engagement.

Using these data-driven tools, you can create highly targeted and relevant outreach campaigns. By understanding your prospects' current situation and needs, you can craft messages that resonate with them and address their specific pain points. 

This personalized approach not only increases the likelihood of engagement but also builds trust and credibility with your prospects, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

Also Read: Steps to Create a Successful B2B Sales Strategy

Wondering how to get personal with email and phone outreach? Let's get into it.

Email and Phone Outreach

Cold emailing remains a powerful tool for B2B sales lead generation. And personalization makes cold emails powerful for B2B sales lead generation. A generic email is likely to be ignored or deleted, so it's crucial to tailor each message to address the recipient's specific challenges and needs. 

Start by researching your prospects to understand their business, industry, and pain points. Use this information to craft a compelling and relevant message. Incorporate elements of personalization throughout the email. Mention the recipient’s name, reference specific details about their company, and tailor the message to their role and responsibilities. 

This approach not only increases open and response rates but also builds a connection with the prospect, making them more likely to engage with your brand.

  • Conduct Warm Calls to Re-Engage Prospects

Warm calling involves reaching out to B2B sales leads who have previously shown interest in your business, making it a more effective approach than cold calling. These prospects are already familiar with your brand, whether through prior inquiries, downloading content, or interacting with your website. Warm calls aim to re-engage these prospects and move them further down the sales funnel.

The goal is to rekindle their interest and guide them towards taking the next step, whether it's scheduling a demo, attending a webinar, or moving closer to a purchase decision.

  • Use Email Signatures for Embedded Promotions

Email signatures are valuable yet often overlooked marketing tools. It offers a subtle way to promote your latest content, upcoming webinars, or special offers without seeming intrusive. By embedding promotional elements in your email signature, you can drive additional traffic and interest organically.

Design your email signature to be clean and professional, including essential contact information and links to your website and social media profiles. Then, add links or banners promoting specific content or events. 

For instance, include a link to your latest blog post, an intriguing CTA for an upcoming webinar, or a banner highlighting a special offer or free trial.

This approach helps maintain top-of-mind awareness for your brand and can generate B2B sales leads by encouraging recipients to explore your content and offerings further.

Consider leveraging the experience of seasoned sales professionals from Activated Scale to maximize engagement.

Utilize Marketing Automation

Marketing automation platforms like HubSpot, Marketo, and Pardot have revolutionized B2B sales lead engagement through advanced segmentation and targeting strategies. By categorizing B2B sales leads based on behavior, demographics, or engagement levels, these platforms enable the delivery of highly relevant content tailored to each segment's unique needs. Listed below are a few personalized approaches that not only boost engagement but also enhance credibility and trust.

  • Segmentation and targeting

It forms the foundation of effective marketing automation. Leads can be categorized using criteria such as behavior and demographics. 

For example, B2B sales leads who download advanced strategy eBooks can be targeted with detailed case studies, while those attending beginner webinars might receive introductory guides. This ensures that each lead receives content that resonates with their current stage in the buyer's journey.

  • Delivering personalized content

It is crucial for enhancing engagement. By providing tailored materials like case studies or guides based on lead interests, businesses can increase interaction and foster a deeper connection with potential clients. Addressing segment-specific challenges and preferences not only builds credibility and trust but also makes communication strategies more effective. 

This personalized communication helps in understanding and addressing the unique needs of each segment, fostering stronger relationships and higher conversion rates in the competitive B2B sales lead market.

  • Delivering customized content

Automation further amplifies these benefits by allowing businesses to schedule emails and social media posts for optimal times. Follow-up actions, such as triggering responses for webinars or consultations based on lead behaviors, can be seamlessly integrated. This scalable personalization enables the delivery of customized messages efficiently to a broad audience, maximizing outreach and engagement.

Ultimately, marketing automation transforms how businesses interact with their B2B sales leads, making processes more efficient and effective. By leveraging these tools, companies can boost their B2B sales lead engagement, build stronger relationships, and achieve higher conversion rates through targeted and personalized communication strategies.

Also Read: Understanding Social Selling the Inbound Way

With all this, Implementing live chat is a plus over automation.

Implement Live Chat on Your Website

Implementing live chat on your website offers significant advantages for customer engagement. Tools like Intercom and Drift provide immediate support to visitors, addressing their queries in real-time. This instant interaction enhances user experience by reducing response times and offering personalized assistance. 

Live chat also allows businesses to proactively engage with potential B2B sales leads, guiding them through the sales funnel and addressing objections promptly. Moreover, it serves as a valuable tool for lead qualification, as interactions can be used to gauge visitor interest and readiness to purchase. Overall, live chat contributes to higher customer satisfaction rates and improves conversion rates by fostering meaningful interactions directly on your website.

Exploring Popular Tools Like Intercom and Drift:

Intercom and Drift are prominent choices for businesses seeking robust live chat solutions. Intercom excels in its ability to integrate with CRM systems, allowing for seamless customer data management and personalized interactions. It offers features like automated chatbots, which can handle basic inquiries and route complex issues to human agents as needed.

Drift, on the other hand, focuses on enhancing sales conversations with its AI-driven capabilities and detailed analytics. Both platforms provide insights into visitor behavior, helping businesses tailor their engagement strategies effectively. 

Using these tools, organizations can optimize customer engagement, improve B2B sales lead generation efforts, and ultimately drive growth through enhanced online interactions.

Activated Scale offers outsourcing of sales experts who can drive personalized content strategies that resonate deeply with target accounts.

And, of course, when speaking of meaningful interactions, social media and online platforms have a lot to offer.

Social Media and Online Platforms

Active participation in social media groups on platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook transcends mere networking—it is a strategic opportunity to engage directly with potential leads. By consistently sharing valuable content, contributing thoughtfully to discussions, and offering insights that address industry challenges, businesses can establish themselves as credible authorities. 

This engagement attracts the attention of potential B2B sales leads and nurtures relationships over time, positioning your brand favorably when they are ready to make purchasing decisions. Through active participation, companies can demonstrate their expertise, build trust, and differentiate themselves from competitors within these targeted communities.

  • Directory Listings

Listing your business on popular directories such as G2, Capterra, and Clutch is essential for enhancing online visibility and credibility. These platforms are trusted resources where businesses research and compare service providers. By maintaining a presence on these directories with detailed company profiles, customer reviews, and ratings, businesses increase their chances of being discovered by qualified prospects actively seeking solutions. 

This visibility not only drives targeted traffic to your website but also reinforces trust through social proof, as potential leads perceive businesses listed on reputable platforms as reliable service providers.

  • Industry Forums

Engaging in industry forums like Quora, Reddit, and dedicated Q&A websites presents another avenue to bolster B2B sales lead generation efforts. By participating in discussions, answering relevant questions, and sharing valuable insights, businesses can showcase their knowledge and thought leadership. This proactive engagement builds brand awareness and attracts potential leads who are actively seeking expert advice or recommendations related to their business needs.

By consistently providing valuable contributions to these platforms, businesses can position themselves as go-to authorities within their niche, driving organic interest and engagement from prospects who align with their target market.

  • Integrated Approach

Integrating these strategies into a cohesive B2B sales lead generation strategy offers significant benefits. It expands reach across diverse online platforms, establishes credibility through thought leadership and customer feedback, and fosters meaningful connections with potential leads actively researching solutions. Through social media engagement, directory listings, and industry forums, businesses can effectively navigate the digital era to attract, nurture, and convert high-quality B2B sales leads into loyal customers.

Also Read: 5 Key Strategies: How to Sell Your Products on Social Media

But don't forget that social media can’t solely excel without effective content marketing strategies. They're key to engaging leads.

Content Marketing Strategies

Content marketing is indispensable in B2B sales lead generation strategies, leveraging various formats to engage and educate potential B2B sales leads effectively.

  1. High-Quality Blogs and Newsletters

Regularly publishing insightful blogs and newsletters serves as a foundational element of content marketing. These mediums not only attract organic traffic to your website but also nurture B2B sales leads by addressing their pain points and interests. By consistently delivering valuable content that offers solutions and industry insights, businesses can establish themselves as authoritative sources. 

Over time, this builds trust with the audience, positioning the company as a credible partner capable of addressing their needs.

  1. Webinars and eBooks for Lead Generation

Webinars and eBooks are potent tools for capturing B2B sales leads. Webinars allow businesses to engage prospects in real-time, providing interactive sessions that address specific challenges or trends in the industry. Participants exchange their contact details to attend, enabling businesses to nurture these leads further. 

Similarly, eBooks offer comprehensive resources that delve into industry topics, best practices, or solutions. By gating these resources behind a contact form, businesses can collect valuable B2B sales lead information while providing substantial value to their audience.

  1. White Papers and Case Studies

White papers and case studies play a crucial role in showcasing a company’s expertise and credibility. White papers delve deep into industry issues, offering data-driven analyses and insights that educate prospects and help them make informed decisions. 

Case studies, on the other hand, present real-world examples of successful solutions implemented for clients, demonstrating the tangible benefits of the company’s products or services. These resources are particularly effective in the consideration stage of the buying process, where prospects seek validation and proof of concept.

Each of these content formats serves a distinct purpose in the B2B sales lead generation process. Blogs and newsletters establish ongoing engagement and thought leadership. Webinars and eBooks attract B2B sales leads through in-depth knowledge sharing. Meanwhile, white papers and case studies provide evidence of expertise and successful outcomes, fostering trust and confidence among potential customers. 

By strategically integrating these content types into their marketing efforts, businesses can effectively engage prospects, provide valuable information, and ultimately drive conversions by positioning themselves as trusted industry leaders.

Also Read: B2B Inside Sales vs Outside Sales: Understanding Differences

Next up, let's explore how advertising and SEO can push your lead generation efforts to the next level.

Advertising and SEO

Advertising and SEO are integral components of any effective B2B sales lead generation strategy, leveraging both paid and organic methods to attract and convert potential clients.

  • Lead Generation Ads on Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter provide powerful tools for lead generation through targeted ads. These platforms allow precise targeting based on job title, industry, interests, and demographics, ensuring your ads reach the most relevant audience. Crafting compelling ad copy that speaks directly to the pain points and needs of your target market increases engagement and click-through rates. 

By using lead forms directly within the ad or linking to optimized landing pages, you can capture high-quality B2B sales leads who are interested in your products or services. This targeted approach not only enhances the effectiveness of your advertising spend but also improves conversion rates by delivering personalized messaging to potential clients who are actively looking for solutions.

  • Optimized Use of Google Ads

Google Ads (formerly AdWords) remains a cornerstone of paid search advertising, offering immediate visibility and traffic to your website. By bidding on relevant keywords and creating compelling ad copy, you can attract prospects who are actively searching for solutions that your business offers. Landing pages optimized for conversions play a crucial role in this process. 

Provide a seamless user experience and guide visitors towards specific actions, such as signing up for webinars, downloading resources, or requesting demos. Continuous optimization of ad campaigns based on performance metrics ensures maximum ROI from your advertising budget, driving not just traffic but also qualified leads who are more likely to convert into customers.

  • SEO Strategies

Strong SEO strategies are essential for improving organic search rankings and attracting inbound leads. This involves thorough keyword research to identify terms potential clients are using to search for products or services like yours. 

On-page optimization ensures your website content is relevant and easily discoverable by search engines. Building high-quality backlinks from reputable sources enhances your website's authority and credibility, further boosting your rankings. 

Organic traffic generated through SEO efforts consists of users actively seeking solutions, making them highly qualified B2B sales leads. Effective SEO not only increases visibility but also establishes your brand as a trusted authority in your industry, influencing prospects during their decision-making process.

  • Remarketing

Remarketing campaigns target users who have previously visited your website or engaged with your content but did not complete desired actions, such as filling out a contact form or making a purchase. By placing cookies on visitors' browsers, you can show personalized ads to these prospects as they browse other websites or social media platforms. 

These ads can feature tailored messaging, special offers, or reminders to encourage prospects to return and complete their actions. Remarketing helps reinforce brand awareness, re-engage potential clients who have shown interest, and significantly improves conversion rates by nurturing leads through the sales funnel.

The combination of targeted advertising, strategic SEO tactics, and personalized remarketing ensures your business remains visible, relevant, and competitive in the digital marketplace.

Also Read: 10 Strategies to Generate Sales Leads for Your Business

You can’t forget that to complement your online strategies, optimizing your website's landing pages is a must.

Website Optimization

Optimizing landing pages and leveraging account-based marketing (ABM) are pivotal strategies that significantly enhance B2B sales lead generation and conversion rates.

  • Optimize Landing Pages for Better Conversions:

Effective landing pages are essential tools for converting website visitors into leads. To maximize their effectiveness, start by crafting clear and compelling headlines that immediately convey the value proposition of your product or service. This initial impression is crucial in capturing the visitor's interest and encouraging them to explore further.

Concise and persuasive copy is equally important. Focus on highlighting the specific benefits of your offering while addressing the pain points of your target audience. Use language that resonates with their needs and motivations, emphasizing how your solution can solve their challenges effectively.

Strong calls to action (CTAs) guide visitors towards the next steps in their journey. Whether it's encouraging them to sign up for a free trial, download a resource, or request a consultation, CTAs should be prominent, clear, and compelling. 

Ensure that your forms are streamlined, asking for essential information only. Long forms can deter potential leads, so strike a balance between gathering necessary data and maintaining a user-friendly experience.

Regular testing and optimization are crucial for improving landing page performance over time. Analyze visitor behavior, A/B test different elements like headlines, CTAs, and form lengths, and incorporate feedback to refine and enhance your landing pages continually.

  • Utilize Account-Based Marketing (ABM) for Personalized Content:

Marketing efforts tailored to specific high-value accounts are the focus of account-based marketing (ABM). By identifying key accounts and understanding their unique challenges, ABM allows you to create personalized experiences that resonate deeply with decision-makers and influencers within these accounts.

Customizing your website content and messaging is central to ABM. Develop targeted landing pages and content offers that address the specific pain points and priorities of each target account. This could include industry-specific case studies, tailored solutions, or content that speaks directly to the challenges faced by the account.

Personalization extends beyond content to include personalized outreach through email campaigns, targeted ads on social media platforms, and even customized website experiences based on the visitor's company or industry. This level of personalization demonstrates your commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of your prospective clients, thereby building trust and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

ABM not only enhances the effectiveness of your marketing efforts but also strengthens relationships with key decision-makers. By delivering relevant and valuable content tailored to their specific needs, ABM positions your company as a trusted partner capable of delivering solutions that drive meaningful business outcomes.

But wait, there's more—referrals and partnerships can also play a crucial role in your B2B sales lead generation strategy.

Leverage Referrals and Partnerships

Generating B2B sales leads through customer referrals, partnerships, and LinkedIn networking can significantly boost your lead generation efforts.

  1. Generate Leads Through Customer Referrals

Customer referrals are invaluable because they come with inherent trust. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend your products or services to others if they've had a positive experience. To encourage referrals, 

  • Implement a structured referral program that rewards customers for recommending your business. 
  • Offer incentives such as discounts, credits, or exclusive access to new features. 
  • Make the referral process simple and straightforward, providing customers with easy-to-use referral links or forms that they can share with their network.
  1. Build Partnerships for Mutual Lead Generation Efforts

Partnering with complementary businesses can extend your reach and generate new leads. Identify businesses that target similar or overlapping customer segments but offer non-competing products or services. Collaborate on joint marketing campaigns, co-host webinars or events, or create co-branded content such as e-books or case studies. 

By leveraging each other's strengths and customer bases, partnerships can amplify your marketing efforts and attract qualified leads from partner referrals.

  1. Use LinkedIn for Professional Introductions

Use LinkedIn for Professional Introductions:

LinkedIn serves as a powerful platform for professional networking and lead generation within the B2B sales leads space. To leverage LinkedIn effectively for lead generation:

  • Optimize Your Profile: Ensure your LinkedIn profile highlights your expertise, achievements, and the value you bring to potential connections. Use a professional photo and a compelling headline that clearly communicates your role and expertise.
  • Join and Participate in Groups: Join industry-specific LinkedIn groups where your target audience is likely to be active. Participate in discussions, share valuable insights, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. This proactive engagement helps in building credibility and attracting attention from potential leads.
  • Utilize Advanced Search Filters: LinkedIn's advanced search filters allow you to identify and connect with decision-makers within your target companies. Use these filters to narrow down your search based on criteria such as industry, company size, job title, and location.
  • Personalize Your Outreach: When reaching out to potential leads, personalize your connection requests and messages. Reference common interests or mutual connections, and clearly articulate how connecting with you can benefit them professionally.
  • Nurture Relationships Over Time: Building relationships on LinkedIn requires ongoing engagement. Share relevant content, comment on posts, and send personalized messages to stay on the radar of your connections. Provide value by offering solutions to industry challenges or sharing insights that demonstrate your expertise.

And that's how you use LinkedIn like a pro.

Also Read: Tips for Social Selling on LinkedIn and Understanding Its Importance


Lead generation is the lifeblood of every organization that wants to grow steadily. Nonetheless, one of the largest obstacles facing marketers and companies today is generating B2B sales leads.

While a perfect strategy for generating leads for your organization may never exist, there are undoubtedly tried-and-true tactics that you can employ in the 2024 market.

Understand that there isn't a single strategy that works for everyone. Try different things, adjust your plan to fit your particular industry, and see what successfully gets you B2B sales leads. The benefits are priceless: a robust network, a filling sales funnel, and a long-lasting competitive advantage. 

And to seamlessly integrate all these strategies, consider the unique solution offered by Activated Scale. Its try-before-you-hire approach provides access to experienced sales talent, ensuring sustainable B2B sales lead generation and growth.

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